From: salyavin808 <>

You can never have enough Braco!

I do have a DVD problem actually, my player can't show how much time is 
remaining on individual chapters, which I always thought was a bit crap for an 
expensive machine. So I've left my laptop open with Braco staring at it while I 
watch a movie. 

Work your magic oh awakened one!

A full report in the morning.

You can never underestimate the power of the placebo effect. I once drove my 
old Saab 96 up to Santa Barbara to see Maharishi, and parked it near one of the 
entrances to the apartment complex that served as MIU at the time. When I 
parked the car, it was gasping, barely able to function. I wasn't sure whether 
it would start again to get me home. 

We didn't get to see Maharishi talk, but afterwards he walked through a line of 
devotees handing him flowers, and right past my car. After the whole shebang 
was over and I went back to my car, it started the first time, and ran 
perfectly. "Miracle," thought I, in my blissed-out TB state of mind at the 

A few days later, when the miracle wore off and I took the car into the shop, 
the mechanic explained to me that the problem was due to overheating. Allow the 
car to cool down, as it had during the time it was parked there in Santa 
Barbara, and the problem goes away. For a while. 

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

Need your cat healed, or your DVD fixed? Go see Braco, and allow him to gaze 
upon you. 

This Man's Gaze Is Harmful to Pregnant Women

   This Man's Gaze Is Harmful to Pregnant Women
"My mom's cat was dying," a woman in a white blouse dotted with holographic 
silver sequins explains. ("I live in a community of healers," she told me 
earlier, in th...  
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