On 7/3/2014 8:51 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
While reading the "recanting" I was struck by how forced it felt. The thought had already entered my mind that this was a woman who felt coerced in some way to write this. It was too long, too artificial in some way to read true. Maybe that's my cynicism talking but I didn't believe her for a minute. There were other pressures at work and they showed in how she wrote that. Still, I have no beef with Amma, don't know anything about her other than what I read in Treadwell's book. But I have no idols, I am not under the influence of anyone at this point in my life who I believe is either enlightened, realized or 'better' than me. As long as one is a walking, breathing pooping human being one is fallible and even if not, there are those who believe you are or who will try and bring you down.
So, you actually bought a copy of Gail Treadwell's book to read but you didn't even do a little research to determine if what she said was true or not? Probably the least you could do is subscribe to the Amma Free Speech Zone. Go figure.

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