On 7/4/2014 9:31 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Salyavin, are you saying that you don't agree that the moon affects tides on earth?

What's that got to do with astrology? No one has ever demonstrated a link between lunar phase and human emotions/events. Nor with any other astrological claims. I convert for evidence.
In a previous post didn't you indicate that you believed that thoughts could cause change in the physical world?

Or that solar flares affect communication devices?

There's money in predicting solar flares, can anyone do it with a star chart?

More importantly, are you saying that there are phenomenon that we're simply not yet able to measure?

The claims of astrology are easy to test and have failed resoundingly whenever anyone has tried.

For a guy who's into science, you surprise me when you don't see the scientific aspects of jyotish.

There are no scientific aspects. I can't see how it makes any sense at all. And I used to know how to draw up horoscopes, except I did it the hard way with a slide rule and set of ephemeris. All I know is that the Earth isn't the centre of the solar system and I can't see why my chart is set at birth rather than any time before or after because the stars would be having the same effect - unless the planets are into symbolism....

I could sit here until doomsday picking holes in it but if it was unequivocally effective I wouldn't have to.

On Friday, July 4, 2014 2:14 AM, salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Are you saying that you wouldn't go on a trip to Europe for a family wedding if the planets said it was a bad idea?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

I just got an invitation to attend the wedding of my cousin's daughter. Ordinarily, I wouldn't accept an invitation like this from a far away location. But it just so happens that my jyotish chart indicates that I'll be traveling this year due to the exalted Jupiter in conjunction with the lord of the 12th house in Cancer, the first house.

Also, the sign of Cancer represents the second house of marriage for my cousin's daughter, who is represented by the 12th house in my own chart. These indicators look auspicious for everyone involved since the benefic Jupiter is exalted while in transit on the same sign for the entire year.

So, I should take advantage of this karmic event to get out of San Francisco and visit a foreign country. While over there, I might as well take a side trip to Madrid and a little town called Antequera, which just so happens to be the namesake of the town where I grew up in the Philippines. It should be a good trip since I'm expecting to travel with my cousin and her husband.

And, NO. I don't speak fluent Spanish. I've taken the language course while in high school. But I'll bring my Spanish dictionary just in case. Believe it or not, I made a previous trip to France, Switzerland, and Italy without knowing how to speak their languages.

If all of the planets align properly, I should be in Seville, Spain on September 27, 2014 to attend the wedding.

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