The use of substances is a ritual practice that is abundantly attested in the shamanic world as well as among some yogins, and in the Vedas. We know that Patanjali himself puts simples (ausadhi), together with samadhi, among the means of obtaining the siddhis.

"Simples" means ecstasy-inducing herbs, from which the elixir of longevity was extracted in Ayerveda. In any case, simples produce ecstasy and not the yogic samadhi. According to Eliade, these "mystical means", properly belong to the phenomenology of ecstasy and they were only reluctantly admitted into the sphere of classic Yoga.

/"Psychic and spiritual powers (siddhi) may be inborn, or they may be gained by the use of simples, or by mantra, or by striving, or by Meditation."/ - Patanjali, Y.S. IV, 1

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