practice what you preach first.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Friday, July 4, 2014 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wedding Invitation from Seville, Spain


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Understood. But fortunately for me I don't need a good or bad jyotish-ee to hep 
me understand myself. 

I have Nabby, Buck in the Dome, Dr. D aka Freemacncheesy, and Stevie who has 
apparently become Willy Tex's understudy to tell me all about myself.

You're good people Michael.  No worries.  I'll do my share to bring you along.  
First we just tighten up on our attributions.   In other words, when you make a 
statement, take a moment to see it corresponds to reality or is just some kind 
of emotional release.  We'll get there good buddy.

Maybe you rub elbows with different TM'ers than I did and than I do, but by FAR 
the vast majority of TM'ers I ever knew who were into jyotish were into it for 
two reasons - finding out what kind of good stuff was gone happen, and freaking 
out when they were told something bad was gonna happen and then scrambling 
around to buy whatever kind of nostrum was recommended to negate the bad karma. 

I did it too when I had my chart done, back in 2001. Used all the mantras Brent 
gave me and bought a big ass moonstone since I hadn't the cash for the size 
pearl I was supposed to get. Got it wrapped in silver and wore it night and 
day. Since I didn't die I suppose I could attribute that fact to the "remedial 
measures" I took. 

 From: feste37 <>
Sent: Friday, July 4, 2014 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wedding Invitation from Seville, Spain

I don't see it as a matter of belief at all. It's more a question of the 
accuracy with which the chart is interpreted. There are of course bad 
astrologers as well as good ones. I have found astrology most useful as a tool 
for self-understanding. Predictions for the future I have found to be iffy at 
best. And like you I am rather skeptical about "preventive measures."

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Had one done once by Brent Becvar, the jyotish
guy for the Chopra Center.

Some of the info seemed credible, if you are willing to believe in sade sati 
which is what I was supposedly in at the time. It was sort of fitting event to 
the prevailing theory. Some of the other stuff was way off. 

I have heard many good things about Chakrapani, except for the few people I 
have spoken with who said he didn't do much for them. I find astrology is 
wonderful - for those who believe.

destiny, if I have one doesn't have shit to do with the alignment of the 
planets. So I wouldn't care what Chakrapani had to say about anything. The only 
thing jyotish had to offer that I was interested in when I was still somewhat 
of a foolish believer was the idea of preventive measures to prevent or negate 
one's karma. All of which are bullshit and don't work. 

 From: feste37 <>
Sent: Friday, July 4, 2014 10:06
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wedding Invitation from Seville, Spain

MJ, I'm wondering if you have ever had your jyotish chart done by a competent 
astrologer. If not, you might be surprised at the results. I had mine done many 
years ago by Chakrapani, who is a noted LA astrologer. It was astonishing how 
well he had me pegged. It was very illuminating. I have had similar positive 
results from Western astrologers too. The cosmos stamps its unique signature on 
you at birth, I have no doubt about it.  

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

There IS no science to jyotish, nor any other aspect of TM - at best it is
pseudo-science, or as we common folk in the South like to call it, made up 

 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: "" <> 
Sent: Friday, July 4, 2014 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wedding Invitation from Seville, Spain

salyavin, are you saying that you don't agree that the moon affects tides on 
earth? Or that solar flares affect communication devices? More importantly, are 
you saying that there are phenomenon that we're simply not yet able to measure? 
For a guy who's into science, you surprise me when you don't see the scientific 
aspects of jyotish. 

On Friday,
July 4, 2014 2:14 AM, salyavin808 <> wrote:


Are you saying that you wouldn't go on a trip to Europe for a family wedding if 
the planets said it was a bad idea?

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

I just got an invitation to attend the wedding of my cousin's daughter.  
Ordinarily, I wouldn't accept an invitation like this from a far away location. 
 But it just so happens that my jyotish chart indicates that I'll be traveling 
this year due to the exalted Jupiter in conjunction with the lord of
the 12th house in Cancer, the first house.

Also, the sign of Cancer represents the second house of marriage for my 
cousin's daughter, who is represented by the 12th house in my own chart. These 
indicators look auspicious for everyone involved since the benefic Jupiter is 
exalted while in transit on the same sign for the entire year.

So, I should take advantage of this karmic event to get out of San Francisco 
and visit a foreign country.  While over there, I might as well take a side 
trip to Madrid and a little town called Antequera, which just so happens to be 
the namesake of the town where I grew up in the Philippines.   It should be a 
good trip since I'm expecting to travel with my cousin and her husband.

And, NO.  I don't speak fluent Spanish.  I've taken
the language course while in high school.  But I'll bring my Spanish dictionary 
just in case.  Believe it or not, I made a previous trip to France, 
Switzerland, and Italy without knowing how to speak their languages.

If all of the planets align properly, I should be in Seville, Spain on 
September 27, 2014 to attend the wedding.

  • [FairfieldLife]... salyavin808
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    • Re: [Fairf... Share Long [FairfieldLife]
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