On 7/5/2014 7:16 AM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Hey Michael, I must not be following exactly what is going on with these studies. But, let me say that your ability to make a negtive interpretation of any study or event with regards to TM and the TMO is well documented.

Jim saying "Anything other than TM is a waste of time", is just his opinion, isn't it, as a long time practitioner.

If you are using this as a basis for your assertions that the TMO asserts the TM "is the only true spiritual path", you may need to try again.

But then again, I am talking to someone who scours the internet for negative reviews about TM, and if he found something in a high school newspaper talking about it, he'd bring if forward as some monumental discovery. (-:
It's called /*confirmation*/*/bias/*, an old trick used on newsgroups in the past. Most people on Usenet quit using this form of debate after Judy pointed out their mistakes, but some newbies still use it to discredit their debating opponents. Go figure.

"Confirmation bias is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses. people display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way."



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote :

On 7/5/2014 5:40 AM, fleetwood_macncheese@... <mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    No one is any more desperate to prove TM as the best technique,
    than you are, to prove it isn't.

    The question is, why is Barry so desperate to prove that TM isn't
    the most effective meditation technique for most people? Some guys
    likeBarry really want to be spiritual teachers and they try to be
    one, but they suck at it, and they know it. They just don't have
    the personal charisma or personality. The next best thing to being
    a spiritual teacher is to be a critic or a skeptic - /sometimes
    they suck at that too/. Case in point.

    I've gotten four people to start TM, who have now been doing it
    for years. None of them would've even asked about other
    techniques, as none of them shopped at the spiritual supermarket,
    as some here do.

    I simply never told them about any other techniques, since there
    is no comparison to anything else - like telling someone about
    the options for walking, or riding a horse, at a car dealership.
    They are happy with their choice, and I am glad I never had to
    explain the lame-ness of either mindfulness or concentration
    techniques, both of which, imo, suck elephant balls, compared to
    TM. And yes, there is an email back there, somewhere, which
    outlines my *short-lived* experiences with other meditation
    techniques. Anything other than TM is a waste of time.

    ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
    <mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>, <turquoiseb@...>
    <mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote :

    *From:* "LEnglish5@... [FairfieldLife]"

    Norman Rosenthal led a study on TM and PTSD that found that in 2
    of the 5 subjects, brain imaging showed that the abnormally
    active amygdala had reset after teh first meditation, and stayed
    that way for the rest of the study.

    People are desperate to find that mindfulness works, so they
    report even the most trivial findings as though they were important.

    TMers are so desperate to "prove" TM to be "the best" that
    they'll diss any study that involves a "competing" meditation
    technique, no matter how trivial they claim it is. :-)

    ALL "research" on TM will be forever tainted because of the
    indoctrination given those who conduct the research by Maharishi
    and his parrot-teachers. >From Day One of their exposure to TM
    they've been told that it's "the best," at the same time that
    they were told that all other techniques were garbage. That kind
    of indoctrination creates fanatics and cultists, not scientists.

    You *don't* see people doing research into other techniques of
    meditation wasting their time trying to prove them "superior" to
    TM, or to anything else. They're content to do real research to
    see whether the technique they're studying has some beneficial
    effect. It's only *TM* "researchers" who are so petty as to feel
    the need to constantly put down other techniques and the
    researchers who study them.

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