Why aren't all of you asking MUM to state their position on this? Not making 
suppositions but asking them for their official stance? And the TM'ers on the 
city and county councils? Seems insane not to, unless you WANT Heartland to 
move in.

 From: "'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife]" 
To: FairfieldLife <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>; 
Sent: Saturday, July 5, 2014 3:57 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Urgent! Tell the JeffCo BOS: Say 'NO' to a $1.55 
Million Heartland Co-op Tax Credit Handout

Before this Monday, July 7: Say 'No' To $1.55 Mill Heartland Co-op Tax Credit 
Dear Rick
If the idea of handing out $1.55 million in state tax credits to Heartland 
Co-op for the creation of six new jobs while possibly losing 30 existing jobs 
bothers you, now is the time to speak up.
This Monday morning, July 7th at 9 am, the Jefferson County Board of 
Supervisors will meet to discuss whether to sponsor Heartland Co-op’s 
application for $1.55 million in tax credits and incentives under the Iowa High 
Quality Jobs program.
It doesn’t get more absurd than this. The county stands to potentially lose 30 
jobs at Overland Sheepskin from the project, as the considerable amounts of 
dust and noise from the grain elevator will make it difficult for Overland to 
continue its operations in the present location. Ten to twenty tons of grain 
dust emissions per year and expensive furs just don’t go together!
The decision before the BOS is whether to ignore this fact, and approve the 
$1.55 million tax handout for the creation of six permanent jobs at the new 
Heartland Co-op facility. The program falls under Iowa’s High Quality Jobs 
program, and it is part of an already controversial state tax credit programput 
in place under Governor Terry Branstad.
For the tax credit application, Heartland will need the nod of the JeffCo Board 
of Supervisors. The tax credit program is intended to offer incentives for 
local economic development, but a facility that creates six jobs, while 
potentially causing the loss of 30, can hardly be argued to constitute economic 
This, of course, is just one of the numerous ways in which the proposed 
Heartland facility is likely to adversely affect JeffCo residents.  Increased 
road maintenance costs from the up to 30,000 to 60,000 additional truck trips 
per year, increased truck traffic through the streets of Fairfield, tons of 
annual grain dust emissions, and other impacts on the quality of life are just 
a few of the likely drawbacks of this supposed “economic development” project.
The Board of Supervisors has said that the Heartland Co-op facility is a done 
deal, and there’s nothing they can do. Well, at the very least, they can 
refrain from supporting a $1.55 million handout to Heartland in state tax 
credits! This is their chance to stand up for the Leahy family, who for more 
than twenty years have provided 30 jobs at Overland Sheepskin.
How You Can Voice Your Opinion
If this just doesn’t seem right to you, now is the time to speak up! Send an 
email to the supervisors. Or, if you know and are on friendly terms with one of 
them, call to share your concerns. And if possible, come to the meeting this 
Monday, July 7, 9 am at the Court House.
As always, of course, it’s imperative that we are polite and courteous, when 
sharing our concerns, and stick to the facts. Below are some possible  points 
to mention if you send an email. Feel free to copy this text and insert in an 
email, or better, rephrase in your own words and add your own observations. (We 
also suggest that you send a copy of the email to us afterwards at 
i...@ahead-iowa.org; it's useful for us to have it for our records.)
Sample Email Text (Please copy or edit into your own words)
To JeffCo Board of Supervisors
As I understand it, the BOS will be voting on whether to support an application 
for a $1.55 million tax credit to Heartland Co-op under the Iowa High Quality 
Jobs program.
As the public debate around the proposed Heartland facility has made clear, the 
facility represents numerous downsides to our community. In particular, the 
creation of six jobs, while likely losing 30 at Overland Sheepskin can hardly 
be characterized as “economic development.”
Further, Heartland Co-op is not in compliance with the application criteria for 
the program, which clearly state that the application has to be submitted 
beforethe projected is started. Since Heartland Co-op has already started 
construction, this clearly is not the case. 
As a resident of Jefferson County, I urge you to abstain from a vote in support 
of this program for the above mentioned reasons.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BOS email addresses:
Lee Dimmitt, Chairman lee.dimm...@jeffersoncountyia.com

Richard C. Reed, Vice-Chair - email: dick.r...@jeffersoncountyia.com

Becky Schmitz - email: bschm...@jeffersoncountyia.com 
If you’d like to help spread the word or volunteer in other ways, please send 
us an email at i...@ahead-iowa.org. We’d love to hear from you!
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and the broader Fairfield community! Registering is easy, and it's free! Simply 
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  • [FairfieldLife] Urgen... 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [FairfieldLi... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
      • RE: [Fairfie... 'Rick Archer' r...@searchsummit.com [FairfieldLife]
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