What if the federal government detained 50,000 women and children fleeing from Central America crossing the Mexican-American border"What if the government then dumped them on your street with a promise to appear later to apply for refugee status? What if there was a law that says you can't deport minors without a hearing? What if it takes 2-3 years to meet with officials?

What would you do?

1. Separate the babies and children from their mother.
2. Put all the mothers on a bus and send them to Tijuana.
3. Send in SWAT teams to rip all the babies and children from their
   mother's arms.
4. Deport the mothers back to Central America on a plane where they cam
5. Keep all the children and put them all to work on a fruit farm.
6. Give them all assistance in the form of medical help and food to eat
   and a place to live.
7. Do nothing.

/'White House to seek $3.8 billion for border control, more than previously signaled'/
The Washington Post:
On 7/6/2014 8:04 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up in the morning on the 4th of July and you found out that there were 130,00 refugee women and children crossing the U.S.-Mexican border seeking asylum? What if you saw protestors blocking the road chanting /"USA! USA!"/

Protest rally

What would you do?

 1. Join a protest.
 2. Help set up camps to hold them.
 3. Detain, then release them on the streets, with a promise to appear.
 4. Pass laws in Washington that provide a guest worker program and a
    path to U.S. citizenship.
 5. All of the above.

"The group protesting the busing of immigrants to California waved American flags and chanted "U.S.A," while across the street demonstrators responded with, "Shame on you!"

'Murrieta immigrant detainee protests keep growing'
On 7/4/2014 12:11 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
"Texas officials appealed to the Obama administration on Thursday to secure the U.S.-Mexico border once and for all as waves of illegal immigrant children overwhelm the system, with one lawmaker saying U.S. military bases effectively have been transformed into camps to handle the influx."

'Texas rep says military bases 'turning into refugee camps,' appeals for help on border'
On 7/4/2014 9:59 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up one morning and the U.S. was being invaded by Mayan aliens?

What if they were refugees? What if they were frightened mothers and children? What if they were minors fleeing drug gangs and sexual predators to join their mothers? What if they were asking for asylum from terrorists?

What would you do?

 1. Just shoot them?
 2. Do nothing?
 3. Ignore them?
 4. Detain, arrest and put them in jail?
 5. Let them lose on the streets?
 6. Load them on a bus and send them all back to Tijuana and shout
    "Go back to where you came from! USA! USA!"
 7. Load them on a plane and fly them down to Central America.
 8. Let one stay in your home.
 9. Give them shelter and food to eat and help them get a lawyer.
10. Send in SWAT teams to root out and rip babies out of their
    mother's arms.
11. Blame the President and the U.S. Congress.
12. Demand that the federal government secure the border.
13. Demand that the federal government pay all expenses to house them.
14. All of the above.

Read more:

'Immigrant detainees: Local officials deflect anger to Obama, Congress'
Los Angeles Times:

On 7/1/2014 12:18 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
What if you woke up in the morning and you found out that thousands of child refugees were swarming over the Mexican-American border? What if you found out that the children were trying to join their parents in the U.S.? And, what would you think about deporting thousands of refugee children back to Central America?

What if you found out that U.S. SWAT teams were going into homes and ripping children from their parents and sending them back home alone? According to to U.S. law, a child seeking asylum in the U.S. cannot be deported. Go figure.

"It's a huge humanitarian crisis that is testing the leadership skills of President Barack Obama and the capacity of agencies charged with controlling our borders and dealing with asylum requests."

Desert Sun:

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