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Paintings by Suzanne Stryker

Win free 15 minute private session  

Imagine the power of a healing session with hundreds of thousands of healers 
and highly evolved individuals in Sweden, Denmark, U.S, Spain, U.K., Finland, 
Norway, Canada, Iceland, and other countries. This Sunday, healers around the 
world will turn on their healing powers for thirty minutes. Each person tuning 
in magnifies the benefits for all, so feel free to Invite others.

Free Monthly Global Group Healing Session
This Sunday   July 27

1 pm Sharp U.S. Central Time      Time converter

In Fairfield, Iowa U.S. 
- Crop Circle Gallery        - 402 North B Street (by railroad tracks)          
- Extra parking on west side of building
Please arrive by 12:45 pm so we can be settled and ready to start with the rest 
of the world at 1 pm. 
Those who arrived between 12:45 to 12:55 PM will be eligible to win a free 
private session with the Founder of Free Global Group Healing and Reveal 
Wisdom, Suzanne B. Stryker, after the group session.  Testimonials from private 
"I highly recommend Suzanne for any kind of healing. It was very relaxing, 
purifying and uplifting. Opened up my heart." –Tom Kroupa 
"The only thing I've been doing different for my Leukemia is regular treatments 
from Suzanne. Yesterday, my doctor said tests show I no longer have 
Bonus at end of group session: 

A few minutes for private insights and silent intentions for fulfillment of 
Is Sitting the New Smoking? - brief discussion
Walking Veda – Happy Feet! 
 - personal experience by Suzanne

 Wherever you are in the world
If you can't come to the session in Fairfield, Iowa, wherever you are this 
Sunday, get comfortable, sit or lie down and bask in the bliss of global love 
and healing power. This is not a conference call or webinar - we are not 
connected by phone or internet. You can join in by yourself or organize a 
group. If you organize a group, please let us know the details.  

Group SessionsTestimonials
"I found the free global healing session surprisingly powerful. Later, I found 
it helped a personal physical problem I had been fretting over for months." 
"My elbow was in a sling before I came to the Fairfield session. I had been 
nursing it for days. My elbow stopped hurting all afternoon and still is pain 
free!!!" -Judith Hans-Price
"Thanks, it was a great healing. I was blown away by the energy that I walked 
into. Wow!"  -Janet Evertson
"I felt more calm and collected, more light, quiet, sattva (purity). I felt 
connected with myself, grounded in my truth and strength. It felt blissful to 
be around Suzanne, like rounding (extended meditations) or like attending a 
yagya (sacred ceremony)."  -Ranjini Sarah Lassnig
More experiences from:Rich Sims, Garrett Barnes, Donald Sosin, Deboragh Varnel, 
Catharine Titus, Sallie Morgan, Elizabeth McIsaac, Jonathan Rivera, Eirik 
Vatvedt, Kim LaVoie, Cindy Burks, Annick Arjol ...
To receive a reminder for the next Free Global Group Healing Session, e-mail

Programs and testimonials

Personal sessions remote or in-person: insights, healings and readings, unfold 
innate wisdom of body, mind and soul; karmic transformations; change worries 
and negative thinking to positive; change bad habits to good; divine 
protection, freedom from fear; closure with and blessings from ancestors

Heal Thyself and Others Seminars: heal yourself and others without taking on 
stress and be transformed


Check out and Like our new Facebook page
Disclaimer: Testimonials whether written, verbal or any other form appearing on 
websites, e-mail or any where else from or related to Reveal Wisdom and Global 
Group Heal do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the 
outcome for any particular issue of a person. No claims are made, expressed or 

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