From: David Hooper <>

7/27/14-Maharishi: At what age do we actually stop listening to what our 
parents tell us to do?

"QUESTION: At what age if at any age do we as parents stop telling our children 
what to do and do we as sons and daughters actually stop listening to what our 
parents tell us to do."

MAHARISHI: "Good sons and daughters always, even if they are sixty or eighty, 
sit with their parents and talk to them and take their advice and always 
benefit from their advice. Always. 

Whatever the son has grown to be, even if the son has become very highly 
educated and has become the president of the state, leaving behind all his 
activities he would come and sit with his mother, ninety year old mother, and 
chat with her. And the mother will sometimes say one word here and one word 
there. All the advisers of the state give him all kinds of specialized 
knowledge, but from mother he receives some specialized kind of knowledge.

This is one department where he can benefit from the experience of ninety years 
of living. And one word from mother could be so helpful for the whole nation 
because of the advice that a ninety-year-old person can give to someone who she 
thinks is a part of her life, someone she's proud of. She would like to give 
him some advice, and the son just blooms. This is the relationship [of sons and 
daughters] to mother and father. So one's whole age is there to learn something 
from one's father and mother. To learn.

It's not [knowledge] of any special subject of geography or physics, but it's 
the impulse of life one receives from the mother and father. It's the impulse 
of life. They may be talking about something which may be completely irrelevant 
to your field of interest, but sometimes they are quiet and silent. That 
silence is full of love which your heart can only be nourished by. It can only 
get life from that silence just by sitting with them. It's a very, very 
enriching experience of life at every age, at all ages."

~Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, USA -- August 9, 1970~
~"Culturing the Nervous System to Live Silence in the Midst of the Dynamism of 
Daily Life, Part 3" (Videotape)~

* * * * * * *
​TM Media Alert (USA): "Ringo Starr, David Lynch Talk Meditation" (1 1/2 minute 
video)-- -- July 25, 2014​

Jai Guru Dev
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David Hooper
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  • [FairfieldLife] 7/27-... Dick Mays [FairfieldLife]

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