My favourite Houdini trick was one time when he visited some one-horse town in 
the States to demonstrate his jail-breaking skill. The local sheriff locked him 
in the jail and everyone then waited outside the building for the great 
magician to emerge. All the townsfolk were there to witness the great event. 
 Inside Harry was doing his usual trickery. He had a lock pick hidden on his 
person (best not to ask where). Now the locks were placed too far away for a 
man's arm and hand to reach so should have been secure. But Houdini had 
developed his dexterity to such a degree that he could use his legs and feet to 
manipulate the pick. In this case however, despite his best endeavours spending 
hours trying to work the mechanism, he completely failed. He was about to give 
up and call in the witnesses when he leant against the cell door and it swung 
open. He then realised that the sheriff had been so overawed by having a mega 
celebrity in town that he'd completely forgotten to lock the door.

 Houdini emerged to an ecstatic crowd who cheered and clapped an astonishing 
feat. But there had been no trick at all in reality; it was all illusion. 

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