Really you didn't feel much with Amma? That is interesting - so many people 
claim she has tons of energy - of course others claim she is stealing the 
group's energy and people believe its hers so...

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 10:54 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Science and the Meissner Effect of 
Consciousness as Field

Thinking back to my time with M, I'm not sure if I felt much of what might be 
termed "darshan".  There may have been a lot of power of suggestion going on 
that produced some of that feeling.

I remember seeing both Ammachi and Karunamayi in person, once each, and not 
feeling much in the way of darshan either.

I guess, what is strange, is that now, when I reflect on the times I was with 
MMY personally, I seem to feel it.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Darshan doesn't exist?  Om ha, ha, ha!  That's funny, someone on the side sent 
me a picture today of Karunamayi having gold vibuti coming out her hand while 
she is holding her hand up.  
Om ye of little experience and therefore little faith, you are pitiful.

steve.sundur writes:

You have to understand that Michael lives in a black and white world.  Darshan 
doesn't exist if not everyone responds to an so called enlightened individual 
in an exact same way.  

The ME hasn't produced the result as it has predicted, so therefore it has not 
effect, no value.

I am not sure what makes a person view things in such a black and white way, 
and really wouldn't want to speculate about it.

Oh, and then anyone who believes otherwise is some kind of cult apologist, or 
true believer.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Prove darshan exists - its a made up feel good deal. There are people who met 
Marshy and didn't feel shit for energy from him. So how do you account for that?

Just interjecting here - I haven't been around anyone with this thing you call 
darshan and I certainly don't believe in "saints". Saints are renderings on 
canvas and in sculpture of mythical creatures who existed centuries ago and 
were memorialized in works of art. There are only human beings. Some are 
charismatic, some could charm the pants (literally) off someone and some can 
make you do all sorts of things like spend lots of money or time doing things 
they want you to do. However, there is power and there is energy and there is 
all sorts of stuff going on in the universe that is mysterious and scary and 
wonderful and invisible. The fact that some can feel the purported darshan from 
MMY and some don't is just like some people can be moved or can appreciate or 
feel the power in a great piece of music or art or film and some simply don't 
get it. It's in the perception of the perceiver, not necessarily inherent or 
not inherent in the object, person or

 From: salyavin808 <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 7:44 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Science and the
Meissner Effect of Consciousness as Field


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Yes quite evidently you and the other anti-meditation anti-science
folks here are afraid of where the data is going.  Your asserting no
data therefore no replication and therefore it can't be talked about or 

You need psychiatric help.

that it does not exist defies reality and scientific process itself
of data, observation, hypothesis and testing .  Lawson is looking at
how to replicate given the practical constraints of such a project given the 
You completely miss-interpret to your own vile ends.  You evidently
don't want anything to happen less it disturb your anti-meditation
and anti-spiritual grumblings.  You contend the research can't be
replicated and shouldn't be, well talk about subterfuge and
anti-science anti-intellectualism.  Next we'll hear from you that
there never was such a thing as darshan where obviously there is and
then you'll say it is not worth trying to look at for fear of what we
might find.  Did you just renew your membership down at the local conservative 
Anglican Church or something that you come on so regressive like you do?

Is this your enlightenment Buck? A refusal to read what people say and then 
project some weird victim fantasy onto anyone who doesn't automatically accept 
the great master Hagelin at his word? Read it again and respond to what I say, 
not your paranoid fantasies.



The ME hasn't produced the result as it has predicted, so therefore it has not 
effect, no value.

I am not sure what makes a person view things in such a black and white way, 
and really wouldn't want to speculate about it.

Oh, and then anyone who believes otherwise is some kind of cult apologist, or 
true believer.

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Prove darshan exists - its a made up feel good deal. There are people who met 
Marshy and didn't feel shit for energy from him. So how do you account for that?

Just interjecting here - I haven't been around anyone with this thing you call 
darshan and I certainly don't believe in "saints". Saints are renderings on 
canvas and in sculpture of mythical creatures who existed centuries ago and 
were memorialized in works of art. There are only human beings. Some are 
charismatic, some could charm the pants (literally) off someone and some can 
make you do all sorts of things like spend lots of money or time doing things 
they want you to do. However, there is power and there is energy and there is 
all sorts of stuff going on in the universe that is mysterious and scary and 
wonderful and invisible. The fact that some can feel the purported darshan from 
MMY and some don't is just like some people can be moved or can appreciate or 
feel the power in a great piece of music or art or film and some simply don't 
get it. It's in the perception of the perceiver, not necessarily inherent or 
not inherent in the object, person or

 From: salyavin808 <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 6, 2014 7:44 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Science and the
Meissner Effect of Consciousness as Field


---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Yes quite evidently you and the other anti-meditation anti-science
folks here are afraid of where the data is going.  Your asserting no
data therefore no replication and therefore it can't be talked about or 

You need psychiatric help.

that it does not exist defies reality and scientific process itself
of data, observation, hypothesis and testing .  Lawson is looking at
how to replicate given the practical constraints of such a project given the 
You completely miss-interpret to your own vile ends.  You evidently
don't want anything to happen less it disturb your anti-meditation
and anti-spiritual grumblings.  You contend the research can't be
replicated and shouldn't be, well talk about subterfuge and
anti-science anti-intellectualism.  Next we'll hear from you that
there never was such a thing as darshan where obviously there is and
then you'll say it is not worth trying to look at for fear of what we
might find.  Did you just renew your membership down at the local conservative 
Anglican Church or something that you come on so regressive like you do?

Is this your enlightenment Buck? A refusal to read what people say and then 
project some weird victim fantasy onto anyone who doesn't automatically accept 
the great master Hagelin at his word? Read it again and respond to what I say, 
not your paranoid fantasies.


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