Great points, Ann. IMO the TMO is a wonderful, flawed, evolving organization in 
a beautiful, flawed, evolving universe. A person can simply use what's good 
and, if one wants, help heal and or develop what's still evolving. In my 
experience, this leads to more health and deep peace. 

On Thursday, August 7, 2014 10:08 AM, " [FairfieldLife]" 
<> wrote:


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

That's great and there are plenty of other like you. As well as plenty of 
others who have had their lives devastated by their practice of TM and TMSP as 
well as their affiliation with the Movement. 

Talk sometime to those long term TM practitioners who survived suicide attempts 
or the families of those whose attempts were successful and you may find a 
different perspective on TM. I have talked to some of them and I know whereof I 
speak. Suicide amongst long term
TMSP'ers is one of the darkest and most ignored aspects of the Movement.

This is such a complicated subject, MJ. Those who attempt suicide are complex 
subjects and certainly not you and maybe not even a mental health professional 
can always pinpoint why some people chose to take their own lives. To blame TM 
directly for suicides would be virtually impossible to do just as blaming a bad 
breakup, the loss of a job or a health crisis may not be the one and only, or 
even relevant factor, in why someone wants to kill themselves. Prior mental 
instability or psychological problems caused by chemical imbalances in the body 
and brain all contribute. Personality is another factor. The simplistic 
thinking inherent in blaming one thing only for the gargantuan decision to pull 
the plug on one's life is not doing anyone any favors. You are merely looking 
for an excuse to pin another accusation on TM for something that is 
multi-dimensional and extremely complex. 

 From: "William Leed WLeed3@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 7, 2014 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to inspire confidence in your troops...I 
served 28 yrs now Ret Col TM is a great success4me & my troops who learned it

TM  has worked for me  as well & 4 as many of my troops who learned it & 
continue to so practice it. I & a very few have joined  various WPS & groups to 
more fully spread what we believe & in some cases even KNOW it to be a most 
positive effect in joys 4 me personally & those about me then.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Richard J. Williams' punditster@... [FairfieldLife] 
To: FairfieldLife <>
Sent: Thu, Aug 7, 2014 9:07 am
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] How to inspire confidence in your troops...NOT

On 8/7/2014 2:03 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

In yet another wonderful revelation about the poverty
of Israeli ethics...
>Several other points need to made on this subject:
>       * The TB has never served in the military and he is probably a
draft dodger of some kind, although his parents apparently were
career U.S. military.
>       * The TB is highly prone to the suggestions of others and under
peer pressure to join groups that espouse some form of religious
>       * The TB lives in a country that is overtly anti-semitic - a
country that shirked it's U.N. duty to protect innocent
civilians in the Bosnia war, turning a blind eye to a slaughter.

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