So to answer the questions:

 Can you predict that someone will be a serial killer? No, but if you squint a 
bit and use your imagination you might be able to weave a few connections as 
long as you do it post hoc.

 How much/later earlier would he have to have been born to not be one? Two 
hours huh? Well, it might be that short a time to get a different reading but I 
think psychopathy is mostly genetic with early personality problems causing the 
sort of alienation that will compound things later on.

 I was going to ask another. If it becomes clear that someone is about to be 
born a serial killer, would you advocate a termination to save his victims? The 
answer to that is clearly no, but I can see how you can look at a chart and see 
connections once you know what you are looking for and with who, but they are 
vague. Doing it forwards is the bigger trick.

 And of course, would I think it was mine if you told me it was? Probably, I'm 
prone to havoc but haven't killed anyone. Yet. But I will look at his chart, 
not sure what to look for any more though but when you have the mindset that 
It's yourself making the connections and looking for things that stand out it 
all becomes my opinion of what someone is like. 

 Intuition is cheating I think, especially if you know the person in any way. 
Marshy said that computers make the best jyotishees. Couldn't have been worse 
than the guy I saw! LOL.


---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 On 08/07/2014 09:57 AM, salyavin808 wrote:


<noozguru@...> mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 On 08/06/2014 10:41 PM, salyavin808 wrote:


<noozguru@...> mailto:noozguru@... wrote :


 Exactly, it aint nothing to do with planets or stars or anything astronomical. 
I'm glad we finally got there Bhairitu, it was wearing me out!

 What!  Waving the white flag already?  I was only getting started. :-D  
 Oh, OK then, I'm always game. Here's a thought experiment: Ted Bundy, serial 
killer and obvious psychopath and nasty piece of work. What sort of chart would 
he have had? Surely his pathology would be visible astrologically, and if it 
was could we predict who was going to be a mass murderer from their chart? If 
not, why not? And if we can, how many days or whatever later/earlier would he 
have to be born to not be so pathologically affected? 
 (For the oversensitive among us, this is a debate and not an attempt to change 
Bhairitu's mind about anything. Not that I could...) 

 Put on your tin foil hat.  What if Bundy actually did not commit the crime or 
was under mind  control?  When those crimes began to occur I was thinking it 
was the CIA doing them covertly to get public support for Nixon's "law and 
order" initiative.   But wait, there's more.  I actually know people who knew 
Bundy. ;-) 
 Birth data:
 24 November 1946 at 22:35 (= 10:35 PM )
 Burlington, Vermont, 44n29, 73w13  EST (5 hours),_Ted,_Ted
 (the horoscope shown is tropical but you can also cast a sidereal vedic chart 
on the site).
 Of course there is enough in his history to show that he would have 
pathological mental problems though bright enough to cover them.  Friends that 
knew him didn't seem to find him all that unusual.
 The horoscope (Lahiri ayanamsha) shows a 1 degree Leo ascendant.  Rodden gives 
it an AA rating due to the birth certificate.  But he may have actually been a 
Cancer ascendant because it was known for doctors to fill out a BC after 
delivery and write down the time that appeared on the wall clock.  Not until 
the 1970s did hospitals attempt record more accurate birth times.
 There is however a stellium in Scorpio which is troubling.  In Cancer it would 
effect his mind and intellect, in Leo property issues.  You ask about a 
different day of birth, ascendant generally change every two hours so people 
born on the same day at a different time may not have experienced difficulties. 
 Also given his early history someone born with the same chart but raised in a 
loving family might not have developed pathological tendencies.
 Ketu is exalted so would have have had minimal effect on his Mars though does 
create some affliction and if a Leo ascendant so does the Moon. The nodes 
aren't of course planets but do create havoc especially because of their 
association with eclipses.  Knowing when eclipses would occur was useful for 
kings because they could tell there subjects that if they didn't do as he says 
he would blank out the Sun and provided a demonstration.  Of course if the 
eclipse was not visible at his location that might have resulted in his 
overthrow.  One of the first thing an astrologer should look for if someone is 
having difficulties is the transit of the nodes over their natal horoscope.  
For some reason they often create havoc.
 His mental difficulties and murders occured during his Venus mahadasha.  Venus 
is only slightly in "old age" and thus considered weak in some systems.  Old 
age and infancy denote that the house influence is waning (old age) and 
beginning to wax in infancy.  Jyotish is the "science of light" and thus houses 
tend to fade out and fade into the next house just like light.   Nothing in 
astrology is black and white.  Some fools think that a one dasha ends at a 
given minute and  the next one begins, but they fade out and in too.  Mental 
afflictions began in the Mars bhukti and his 7th lord if Leo is the correct 
ascendant is also weak in the 12th and the murders began in the Saturn bhukti.  
This would have given him difficulties in relationships which would have made 
him lash out whereas other with a little more stable mentality might have just 
shrugged it off.
 These are just a few elements to consider.  Look at the chart yourself and see 
what stands out.  The longer one looks more things are picked up.

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