The one hour special, THE WAR COMES HOME, debuts Tuesday, Aug. 12 at 9:00pm and 
will encore at 12:00am, and on Sunday, Aug. 17 at 7:00pm. All times Eastern on 

"Beckett and Combs are invited to join the tenth group of veterans at an 
innovative therapy program based in Malibu, CA, called Save a Warrior 
(  Founded and led by veteran Jake Clark for veterans 
suffering with post traumatic stress, the intensive five-day program includes 
equine therapy, training in transcendental meditation, and physically and 
emotionally demanding trust exercises."

Soledad O'Brien also does TM.

July 16th, 2014
02:21 PM ET
THE WAR COMES HOME – A Soledad O’Brien Report Premieres Aug. 12 at 9:00pm on 

Moving new CNN Special Presentation Explores Hope for Vets Struggling with Post 
Traumatic Stress
Delon Beckett and Garrett Combs came home from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan 
ready to resume the lives of promise they had left behind. For both veterans, 
within months of coming home, their relationships were crumbling, their 
children were frightened of their rages, and suicide became a choice they both 
thought could be a solution for their anguish. Then, a new program that treats 
post traumatic stress gave them hope. Produced by Soledad O'Brien’s Starfish 
Media Group in association with MediaStorm, THE WAR COMES HOME, follows the 
journeys of these two young men who came home from war, and their personal 
battles to recover from the effects of the wars that came home with them.
The one hour special, THE WAR COMES HOME, debuts Tuesday, Aug. 12 at 9:00pm and 
will encore at 12:00am, and on Sunday, Aug. 17 at 7:00pm. All times Eastern on 
“These two strong young men went to war to serve their country, but were 
overcome by the ravages of war. They have young families that count on them, 
yet openly told us they wanted to harm themselves. Through the riveting stories 
of these men – and their families – our hope is that people will understand how 
truly awful post traumatic stress is, how destructive it is for families, how 
it robs potential from lives, and how we have it within our power as a society 
to help these veterans,” O’Brien said.
These two men are not alone. One in five veterans from the wars in Iraq and 
Afghanistan suffers from post traumatic stress, traumatic brain injury, or 
severe depression, according to a Rand Corporation study.  Post traumatic 
stress is a significant predictor for suicide among all vets. Almost 8,000 
veterans of all U.S. wars commit suicide each year, and 22 veterans take their 
own lives each day, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Beckett and Combs are invited to join the tenth group of veterans at an 
innovative therapy program based in Malibu, CA, called Save a Warrior 
(  Founded and led by veteran Jake Clark for veterans 
suffering with post traumatic stress, the intensive five-day program includes 
equine therapy, training in transcendental meditation, and physically and 
emotionally demanding trust exercises.
Along with the other members of their cohort, Beckett and Combs begin to be 
powerfully transformed as they write down and discuss the experiences that have 
haunted them.  They also begin to rely on each other during grueling sessions 
that test their physical and emotional limits.
Combs seeks out a therapist during the program and confesses, for the very 
first time to anyone, that he has been hiding serious suicidal thoughts.  
Beckett begins to understand how the poverty, neglect, divorce, and alcoholism 
in his childhood background has exacerbated his post traumatic stress and 
contributed to his own alcohol dependency and marital difficulties.
Two months following their Save a Warrior course, both men appear remarkably 
changed as they describe the progress they have made.  Though only more time 
will reveal the program’s success for these two warriors, Combs speaks 
optimistically about pursuing his career dreams and becoming a better father; 
Beckett talks about reconnecting with his children and pours the alcohol down 
the drain that he had grown dependent upon to medicate his pain.
“I do think Save a Warrior did help me get on the track, to… gaining back some 
genuine compassion, and the genuine drive to … really explore my curiosity with 
the world. ..I have some faith that… I’ll be able to utilize techniques that I 
learned as a way of, hopefully, being able to heal some damage that was done.  
But…time will tell,” says Combs in the film.
THE WAR COMES HOME will be available, in simulcast, through CNNx for iPad, as 
well as via by selecting “Watch CNN,” and also via CNN’s mobile 
About Starfish Media Group
Starfish Media Group is an integrated media production company and distributor, 
dedicated to uncovering and producing empowering stories. SMG takes a 
challenging look at often divisive issues of race, class, wealth, opportunity, 
poverty through personal stories. Founded by award-winning journalist and 
multifaceted broadcaster Soledad O'Brien, Starfish Media Group uniquely 
resonates with today's diverse global audience through impactful topics that 
define our time.
About CNN
CNN Worldwide is a portfolio of two dozen news and information services across 
cable, satellite, radio, wireless devices and the Internet in more than 200 
countries and territories worldwide. Domestically, CNN reaches more individuals 
on television, the web and mobile devices than any other cable TV news 
organization in the United States; internationally, CNN is the most widely 
distributed news channel reaching more than 271 million households abroad; and 
CNN Digital is a top network for online news, mobile news and social media. 
Additionally, CNN Newsource is the world’s most extensively utilized news 
service partnering with hundreds of local and international news organizations 
around the world. CNN is division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time 
Warner Company.

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