I don't know where the post is, sure it could be found in the archives. 
However, it really wasn't any different than what we find in the Gita when 
Krishna tells Arjuna not to worry or feel remorse for all the people*HE* has 
condemned to die. The Swaroop contains visions of millions of people being 
devoured by Devas in gruesome manners. In the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac 
and Jacob gives Moses and others instructions on how to conquer various peoples 
he has condemned as being unfit to occupy the land he has promised to the 
descendants of Abraham. Many, if not all of these groups, were people that 
worshiped deities through human/ infant sacrifice.BTW, the God of Abraham, 
Isaac and Jacob also told the Jews that he would do the same to them if they 
ever *f*ed up, and He did, at least twice. The first time was around 500 BC 
when the Babylonians marched in, burned the temple and carted off the Jews as 
slaves and then again in 70 AD by the Romans.However
 the same deity also said that that land was for the descendants of Abraham 
(Jews) for eternity and he would always bring them back into the land at some 

On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:20 AM, "uns_tres...@yahoo.ca [FairfieldLife]" 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Several years ago, round about 2006 or so, someone posted a list of passages in 
the Bible describing atrocities of one sort or another - ethnic cleansing, 
murders,  misc abuses etc etc, making the point that because something is in 
the Bible, it does not follow that it is good. It could easily be downright 
bad. I have used Yahoo's search facility to no avail. does anyone know where 
this post is?Thanks.  
  • [FairfieldLife] Bible - Q... uns_tres...@yahoo.ca [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [FairfieldLife] ... Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

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