Just to let you all know that you are missing nothing if you skip this Sunday's 
NYT:Front Cover Headline: If They Survive In Ebola World...Yikes!

Magazine Cover: Eugenie Bouchard Could be the Future of Women's Tennis...All 
She Has to Do Is Win - enough saidso on to the Most Substantial Section in "The 
Paper of Record", which is...

You guessed it!

Woman's Fashion's!!!!!!!!!!Now I like to read 272 pages of fashion as well as 
the next guy (well, maybe even more!), but these clothes suck (is that a 
technical fashion word?). I see more beautiful, more sexy, more, more, more 
riding in my elevator. And the knockout stuff on the Street, OMG! Don't these 
fashionistas ever get out?

signing off a bit disappointed...

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