On 8/29/2014 5:47 PM, fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I don't get it. You don't provide any substance for why someone should disregard Maharishi's teaching. You have made the point plenty of times that TM is not the perfect solution for everything. Yep. Anyone who has done it for any length of time recognizes that.

However, what is it about the lives of those here on FFL, who don't do TM, that I should emulate? If it is true that TM practice will not lead to the fulfillment of all desires, then what will? You are not making your case. As for me being some brainwashed TM fool, my life experience makes that an automatic fiction.
It's obviously a cry for help, Jim. But, when they won't even consult a cult-exit counselor after getting kicked out, do you think they are going to listen to experts like us? You are probably their last hope. Remember, we are talking about two guys that quit TM and one then went over to the /Zen Master Rama/ and the other then went to see /the Deepak Chopra/. There's no telling how much money they spent on various techniques that they didn't even practice. Go figure.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

"Maharishi also makes the point many times over, that the world is as YOU are."

Good point. But given the fact that he was a proven liar, who in their right mind would cherry pick little gems of his dubious wisdom to base their life, philosophy or criticism of others on?

"It is critical to work hard, and diligently, for enlightenment, the fulfillment of all desires."

This is made up baloney that in fact has nothing to do with liar Marshy's so-called teachings. He rooked Westerners into supporting his lifestyle with the promise that TM would solve all ills. Look at the siddhi posters I put out here recently. Claiming that TM would fulfill all desires and aspirations. What manure.

And you also have no clue as to how hard I have worked or how diligently.

Mistake I made was using TM as a tool AS WE WERE TAUGHT TO USE IT FOR THE PURPOSES IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE USED FOR. (Enlightenment, fulfillment of desires, levitation and other supernormal abilities and so on.) Problems? Get your meditation checked. Do an extra set of asanas. Here's a new set of pranayama. Worse problems? Get your sutra practice checked. Manure and doesn't solve a damn thing.

"But I see you as lazy and vindictive"

But by your own POV, the world is as YOU are, thus you must also be lazy and vindictive, plus suffering from the inability to see through the TM illusion you allowed yourself to create ages ago.

But one day you will wake up from the dream and those of us who woke up first will be ready and willing to help you along and get you back on your feet. And we won't send you to a Vedic head shrinker either.

*From:* "fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Friday, August 29, 2014 8:02 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

Maharishi also makes the point many times over, that the world is as YOU are. We make the world in our own image. Think about it. In other words he is saying if MJ is bent out of shape, MJ also will inhabit such a world. Absolute freedom, along with absolute responsibility.

As for your sour grapes over having not reached the goal? You are a whiner, just like the other whiner on here. It is critical to work hard, and diligently, for enlightenment, the fulfillment of all desires. But I see you as lazy and vindictive, and that will not ever lead to your spiritual liberation, no matter how much "Maharishi's fault" it is. Good morning.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Spoken like the greedy selfish individual he was. And for him, it worked. He spent his adult life sponging off others and getting them to fulfill his greedy desires by fooling them into believing if they practiced his beginners meditation they would magically get all their desires fulfilled. All glory to a selfish huckster.

*From:* "Dick Mays dickmays@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, August 13, 2014 7:44 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] 8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

8/12&13/14-Maharishi: As we take care of ourself, the world will take of itself for us on that level

"All desires will always be on the level of what we deserve. Whatever the level of consciousness, desires will be on that level. So we don't have to worry much about desires. What we have to look into is what we deserve. We don't have to worry for what we have; we have to worry for what we are. And as we are in an evolving context, more and more we will have of everything. More important is what we are.

The world is to us as we are to the world. The world is celestial if we have the eye to see it; the world is different from us if we have that level of consciousness; the world is part and parcel of our own Self at another level of consciousness. So it depends on what we are; it depends on where we are, and then everything is for us on that level. Everything.

So we have to take care of ourself, and then the world will take of itself for us. It's beautiful. We just take care of ourself, and what the world will be to us will be taken care of by the world. What we will be to the world, will be taken care of again by the world if we have well taken care of ourself. Only from small 's' we have to be big 'S' and that is all that is to be done. Self-realization is the key to all glories in life.

Everything is available, only we have to start using it. Everything is there -- infinity is there ready for us to use it. It's there. Better start using it. It's there. Unboundedness of life is there. Start living it.

And we have a systematic procedure that is a procedure-less procedure, a pathless path. We want to cognize and accomplish infinity, but that infinity is so close to us; it's permeating every fiber of us, every fabric of us, it's there. It's not that it's so far away beyond everything. That which is beyond everything is contained in everything, sustained in everything. The Self is composed of that. That is the essential constituent of life, so we don't have to go far beyond. We just look within. And there we are in infinite value, in the unboundedness.

That is the home of everything; That is the goal of everything; everything is coming on to That just like the ocean is the home of all the rivers. All prosperity, all knowledge, all power, all glory keeps coming on to the infinity. All the channels of life and living proceed on towards infinity, and that infinity is our own Self.

Therefore, we don't have to run here, there or anywhere. We just be where we are, and then everything will come on to us as rivers naturally come on to the ocean. Only we have to be aware of our … oceanhood, if it's a right word. We are an ocean, only we have to be aware of that ocean-like unboundedness. That is all that is necessary.

Be and [since] all the beings have their existence from It, in It, and all are proceeding onto It what we find is that all the enumerable channels of life keep creeping onto us, and we are then the well-wisher, the supporter of everything, and everything supports us. It's a mutual give-and-take. So why not take care of ourself, and then everything will be taken care of in a very, very nice way? This is our message which we want to whisper to every man everywhere, 'Now, come on, take care of yourself and everything will be glowing.'

If the bulb does not take care of the light within itself, it cannot emit light. If the self cannot take care of the unbounded possibility within itself, it can't radiate that infinite, that unbounded glory of life, that grace of God. No, it can't. Everything will radiate what it is, that's all. And, therefore, it is very, very vital that every meditator is aware of this fact that as he takes care of his own Self more and more, all the streams of growth, progress, achievement and fulfillment will rush on to him just as all the rivers rush on to the ocean and bring everything from every side at his feet.

This is the gospel of Being. We just be; we have only to be."

~"Experiencing the Source of Creation through the Transcendental Meditation Program" (Videotape)~
​ ~Humboldt State University, Arcata, Califorinia, USA -- August 7,1970~

Jai Guru Dev

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