What a course!!!

Every morning David Hooper sends an email with such quotes from Maharishi to 
many people, including me. If you'd like to receive them every morning, you can 
simply email David at davehooper...@gmail.com with "subscribe" entered as the 
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Best wishes,
Jai Guru Dev

Forwarded from: David Hooper <davehooper...@gmail.com>

9/1-Maharishi: Only we can create Utopia

"This is one process on the basis of which all levels of life, our own 
individual life and all levels of creation, find enrichment just like that 
thing watering the root, freshening the sap, and enlivening all expressions of 
the sap, all the leaves, flowers, branches, fruits. [It's] one operation in 
order to enliven all that WE are physiologically, sociologically, 
intellectually and also on the level of Being -- all these are the different 
levels of our own individual existence -- and all our concerns: the society, 
nation, world, the universe. It's a huge enlivenment of natural law all over. 

This is what gave that name a few years ago to the experts in this performance 
of the Sidhi sutras: Governor of the Age of Enlightenment. He has the technique 
to govern the universe. He knows how to function in a self-referral way, enrich 
all levels of creation. This is governing capability, and what he governs is: 
the whole range of time and space. That is the first thing that he governs.

He functions from the transcendental level where there is no space and time, 
and therefore, the first thing he nourishes is: the basic value of space and 
time. And from that basic value of space and time being nourished from the 
transcendental value, the whole space-time geometry, the whole universe, [the 
whole] manifest creation gets nourished. This is the Governor of the Age of 

What we require is: one group of seven thousand on a permanent basis. 

We have such a beautiful gift for the world, such a priceless gift for the 
world, and only we know that we have it … some of our friends also know here 
and there. Therefore, only WE can create Utopia."

~"Maharishi Discusses Experiences at the Taste of Utopia" (Videotape)~
~Fairfield, Iowa, USA -- December 30, 1983~

Jai Guru Dev
T​o ​subscribe, send an email to davehooper...@gmail.com with "subscribe" 
entered as the subject or message; to ​unsubscribe​,​ ​send an email with 
"unsubscribe" entered ​as the subject or message.
David Hooper
1000 Purusha Place, Suite 219
Romney, WV 26757

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