---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 Let's hope there is som kind of "Sea of God" also for atheists :-)

 Of course there is we just call it "sea of seratonin." Not as romantic or 
catchy I admit ;-)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 yeah, it is all intent and experience. If someone has not yet drowned in the 
sea of God, then the whole thing seems like bullshit, and some sort of 
ultimately cruel joke and fuck TM. On the other hand...

 Delicious term though Jim, "drowned in a sea of God" sums up a lot of my 
course experiences when I was doing TMSP for 9 hours a day. Chakratastic it 
was. Some of the time, at others not so much...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 That's a distinction lost on the poor souls posting solely for boosting their 
small, angry ego's. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 Once again, your lack of experience is showing. What Maharishi is talking 
about when he says no trace of the individual remains, is that the individual 
in isolation, in ego prison, seemingly cut off from the rest of the vast and 
vibrant universe, no longer exists. It is not as if we actually dematerialize, 
or lose our ability to continue to evolve. You have such little experience with 
enlightenment, about two weeks of dirty witnessing,  for your  68 years, so you 
would not be expected to understand what Maharishi was saying. He was speaking 
to those at his level of consciousness; enlightened individuals who live the 
experience, both of being individuals, carrying out their individual desires, 
while at the same time, perfectly merged with the desires of the Universe. You 
have quite a ways to go, before you will live the truth of what Maharishi has 
said. Too bad you had to show us your lack of comprehension and experience, 
regarding spiritual liberation, but it certainly is not the first time. I wish 
you well, but you would be better served, keeping quiet about that which you 
know so little about. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 OK, it was kinda inevitable that *somebody* would come along claiming to be 
able to pass along Maharishi's messages from beyond the grave. I'm surprised 
that it hasn't happened before now. 

The thing I'm confused about is how anyone who claims to believe that *by his 
own standards and according to his own teachings* Maharishi was enlightened 
would be *interested* in hearing a message from him after death. Or how such a 
person could even consider such a message a *possibility* if Maharishi was 
really enlightened.

In being open to such a promised message possibly being for real, you would 
have to believe that Maharishi was NEVER enlightened. If he was, *according to 
his own teachings*, after an enlightened person dies, there can be no 
individuality left to send such a message. "The drop has returned to the 
ocean." That means there ain't no drop (or personality construct, or self) 
known as Maharishi out there any more. Just ocean. Last I checked, oceans don't 
send messages to guys in showers, including the shower guy's dead wife in on 
the conference call. And if they do, they don't sign them, "Maharishi."  

I heard Maharishi give the talks surrounding this point many times, and they 
were often controversy-provoking, with people standing up to the microphone and 
saying, "No, Maharishi, that *can't* be how it is, that if you die in CC there 
is no more 'you' left and you never have a chance to attain GC or UC." 

And *every time* someone did this, Maharishi would "correct" them and say, "No, 
there is NO chance of individual personality continuing to exist after an 
enlightened person dies. They are already Absolute, and when the relative body 
falls away, all that is left is Absolute -- no personality, no self, nada. Game 
over, man." OK, he didn't say "Game over, man," but he did pretty much say all 
the rest, as many teachers here on this forum know. 

And the thing is Jerry Jarvis knows this better than anyone. He perfected the 
art of parroting Maharishi's talks on this subject, and I heard him give the 
same speech many times -- "There is no individuality after an enlightened 
person dies, and no possibility of one existing." So if Jerry has actually come 
to believe that "messages" from Dead Maharishi could possibly exist, what does 
that imply?

Well, as far as I can tell, it implies one of two things -- an either/or 
situation. To believe that this George Hammond guy *has* actually received 
messages from a Dead Maharishi, Jerry would have to believe that either 1) 
Maharishi's teaching on this subject (which he had parroted many times) was 
WRONG, or 2) that the teaching might be correct, but that means that Maharishi 
was never enlightened. 

If any of you out there are actually in touch with Jerry, ask him to resolve 
this WTF quandary for me. 

I mean, I could understand someone who has never spent any time around 
Maharishi or never even met him (like Jim, Judy, or Lawson) not knowing what 
Maharishi's teachings were about the impossibility of individuality after death 
in CC. But Jerry? I've heard him parrot those teachings, and in that "I *know* 
the Truth so you *really* should believe me" tone of voice he used to use in 

So if he is willing to entertain even the *possibility* that these "messages" 
really come from a now-dead Maharishi who still has individuality, what does 
that imply about what he (Jerry) now believes? Was the teaching wrong, or was 
it right, and Maharishi just never enlightened? 


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