From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>

I've been working on taxes today and had to delay continuing with the book, but 
the clarity is welcome after the lax mental sprawl that has become FFL of late. 
Harris really has a gift for organising material. If you have gotten to the 
part in the 'self' section about using a transporter, I presented this argument 
to an initiator some years ago, and the response was, 'No I would not go into 
such a device'. Perhaps you could review the book here on FFL, not that the 
most of the current crowd has much capacity for grasping the arguments.

"Most of the current crowd" doesn't have the attention span and intellect to 
read a comic book, much less something like this. I'll pass.  :-)

Besides, you know they'd never read it, because they'd be terrified of catching 
"atheist cooties"  and finding out how mindfulness really works.  :-)

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