---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 It doesn't sound to me as if you approached your life in a very sensible way. 
Always looking to someone else for "answers," foolishly spending money. What a 
sad story. And now you are full up with anger and resentment, like a child 
whose daddy didn't give him what he said he would. Poor Edg. I hope the local 
authorities where you live are aware of your propensity for violence. 

 Yes Fester, it is stupid to think that TM and all its sundry add-ons was going 
to work isn't it? And spending so much money on it too! I suppose you never 
believed a word of it....Sal, You promised to wake up a bit before posting 
again. Yet, here you are, all groggy and talkin' in circles.

You're making me dizzy! And sleepy.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 I went to at least ten different jyotish "experts."  Not a single one 
predicted my future or knew stuff about me from my past.   I went to Gandhi, 
"Maharishi's astrologer," when it was still allowed.  Guy read my palm too!  

Then there I consulted with about ten ofl the FF folks who jumped on the 
jyotish bandwagon.  Not saying jyotish doesn't work -- just saying I never had 
anyone show me it does.   

I did my jyotish diary for five years -- actually assigned numbers to various 
qualities of life -- on a daily basis, I was rating my sex life, my finances, 
my dreams, my food, my sleep....about a dozen attributes.....and then I tried 
to find correlations with the charts........never could get zilch for a 
correlation.  Ya'd have thunk I would have somehow unconsciously arranged to 
make my life fit the stars better.  You know, I should have wrote more poetry 
when Mercury was strong in the chart...and then point to it as if it had 
naturally occurred.  Nope -- I didn't even have a placebo cheating thingie 
going on.  

I wore the Vedic gems....all that.

I went to three different PhDs in psychology -- one of them was pretty good and 
knocked my socks off with insights, but not a thing changed in my usually M.O.  
But, oh, I can talk about me endlessly ! ! !

Went to about six psychic types.  

So, don't nobody tell me I didn't at least make an effort to address my 
negativities.  $11,000 alone spent in a six-month flurry-of-seeking period 
there....all for naught.  

Fuck, I even let the chicken-guts guy from the Philippines pretend to shove his 
hand inside me.

I had two different persons "make strange sounds with their mouths" -- special 
sounds dontchaknow..... I had entities removed from my aura.......what a 
relief, eh? 

 Had a psychic-nurse declare me and my family healthy -- for $125 each....then 
my son got cancer diagnosed the next week.  We had gone to this "nurse" because 
that was her thang...spotting cancer.

So I tried FFL.

And now I iz saved.   I have at least ten people here who are telling me if I 
make the least mistake.

For free!

How good is that!

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