 From: l.donaldl...@gmail.com
To: l.donaldl...@gmail.com
Sent: 9/24/2014  7:46:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Stand with Rush Limbaugh  Against Attacks by a Leftist Astroturf 


Dear  Donald,

Iconic  conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh just released a  
bombshell report. 

The _report details_ (http://email.mrc.org/c/1nNqmcVtlAXRnS698POrC7j)  how 
a small but rabid group  of far left activists is targeting Rush’s  

These activists _mobilized by the far left groups_ (http://ema
il.mrc.org/c/1nNsoWHRibBiwXPGe9YygoM)  Media  Matters and The Daily Kos have 
engaged in “
Stop Rush,” an  aggressive online smear campaign against small businesses  
that advertise on The Rush Limbaugh  Show.

These radical leftists claim  they are speaking for the grassroots, but the 
report _proves this is nothing more than an astroturf  effort by a few 
left-wing extremists_ (http://email.mrc.org/c/1nNurGufeMeJG3zdju8EUGf) . 


Read the _full MRC report_ (http://email.mrc.org/c/1nNAzTPp4y937kLOzsCYRwE) 
 to see the depths  these radical leftists are willing to go to attack  

We know what a real  grassroots effort is, because YOU are a REAL 
grassroots  army.Here’s how you can stand  with Rush Limbaugh and fight back 
the far left’s  attempts to censor free speech.

Call your local radio  station that carries The Rush Limbaugh Show and let  
them know that you support and listen to their station  because of Rush!

Please be polite and  professional. We want this to be a positive message 
that  shows REAL grassroots Americans love and support Rush  Limbaugh and 
stand on the side of free  speech.

We want advertisers and  radio stations to get the message that Rush is the 
reason  you listen to their station, and at the same time, expose  these 
far left activists as not representing the views of  their listeners!

Do not hesitate! Call  your local radio station right away and tell them 
you  support Rush Limbaugh and that you hope they’ll never take  Rush off the 

As always thank you for  taking this action on behalf of the Media Research 

The MRC  Action Team

Media Research Center
1900  Campus Commons Drive, Suite 600
Reston, VA 20191 

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