TM Movement = big on big talk, real shy on right action

 From: salyavin808 <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Its all about the money Sal - the Movement is trying to protect its pocket book.

Of course, and this is one of the last avenues left. The Indies in the UK claim 
that the actions of Maharishi and the TMO left them unable to make a living due 
to unfair business practises. So it would be foolhardy to tackle them in open 
court about that, everyone would get to see what goes on behind closed doors, 
would be interesting though...

But this is a low point for them, I'd be embarrassed to even try and stop 
people using science when they are using it for the same reasons they use it 
themselves. The last thing they should be wanting is a reputation for relying 
on lawyers, talk about undermining the principle of right action and the 
coherence effects of TM!

 From: salyavin808 <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30 and the TM movement

 This is outrageous! Of course the scientific research applies to both schools. 
They are teaching the same thing! Do you think Newtons laws of gravity, 
discovered when he was at Cambridge, shouldn't be studied at Oxford? Of course 
not, knowledge belongs to everyone and no one. When you do science you add (or 
hope to) to the endless store of man's knowledge about himself and the world. 
That is the point of it, it doesn't exist just as cheap advertising to further 
the aims of special interest groups no matter how reliant you are on it. 

This a genuine low point for the TMO, they should come to their senses and 
retract this lawsuit, you cannot copyright science (in a sane world) It's done 
for the betterment of all mankind. They are destined to lose and look like a 
bunch of greedy corporate lowlifes. The only way they'll be able to convince 
anyone is if they demonstrate that Knoles isn't teaching TM
anymore. Which they won't obviously.

Whether the teachers that taught in the studies were "certified" by the TMO is 
irrelevant to whether the research is accurate, anyone can use the findings of 
science to enrich or criticise, add to their own ideas or debunk. If King Tony 
and "raja" Hagelin have any scientific curiosity left in them they would 
censure this legal cocksucker and send him back to whatever slime pit he 
crawled from.

What next Buck, suing people here for having opinions that are contrary to the 
accepted "right" way of thinking? If you aren't careful you may get what you 
wish for and the TMO will end up with all the credibility of Scientology. Yeah, 
I know it's in that ballpark already with most people who have experienced it's 
inner workings, but I'm talking about the public in general. No one is going to 
think this is a good idea because it quite simply

Is this what it comes down to, checking for copyright infringement at 
paranormal conventions? It doesn't sound like the Age of Enlightenment. 

I hope Thom Knoles wins and the TMO gets massive egg on its face. 

" Knoles declined and largely defended his biography. His attorney said
he did learn under the Maharishi, was personally awarded an honorary
doctorate by him, and had become "an acclaimed teacher of yoga"
by age 20.

enough, the foundation hasn't sued Knoles, for strategic reasons
Zaiger said were confidential. Instead, it filed a lawsuit in 2011
against The Meditation House, an Iowa corporation owned by life coach
Jules Green, who promotes Vedic Meditation on her website.
lawsuit seeks an order preventing Green from mentioning
transcendental meditation studies in her advertising,”

Yea But, the really interesting thing
here is the legal path the old UK TM teachers carve out to continue
to teach in the face of the strong-hand attempt of TM trademark
assertion.. as Sal notes: but
there isn't much they (Vlodrop) can do as all the teachers were
trained by Marshy (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi).  That is interesting.  

40,000 TM teachers out there in the world
trained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and a few hundreds of TM teacher
re-certs.  The new TM legal department sharp-shoots old individuals
continuing to teach TM as they were taught to teach as an infringement but this
particular group of UK scorpion TM teachers stuck together and
withstands the new TM legal department together.  The Maharishi
Foundation (Vlodrop and Vedic City) now keep a trademark infringement law firm 
retainer now in the USA as they hunt down old TM teachers teaching
outside the TM teacher re-certification project, a project that came
post Maharishi or at the end to have old teachers come in and sign
papers again restricting their teaching.  Apparently the group of UK
TM teachers exist extra-territorial to new-TM because they stuck
together.  Damned scorpions.

steve.sundur wrote :

Sal, ..  Your strict adherence to everything science has dulled your 
sensitivity to nuance.

You've got that knee jerk, TM bash move down pat.

mjackson74@...> wrote :

Sal says they do and their web presence speaks to it as well. But I will defer 
to Sal on this he is in a position to know.

Sal writing:

It's a good question, there are a few teaching in various places, The 
Meditation Trust is probably the best known as they were the guys who quit when 
Marshy put the price up so high it put them out of business. They have a few 
centres and hold courses in a country house where they teach the TMSP too. 

The TM official are always taking legal action against them but there isn't 
much they can do as all the teachers were trained by Marshy. 

I know people who go on their courses, they always tell me
that I musn't mention it to people in the movement, which says it all about the 
TMO really. The same guy was telling me that someone asked him if it was true 
that people get brainwashed in the TMO, he said of course not. 

Anyway, they seem to be doing well and actually making money out of it which is 
the TM teachers dream, but then they don't have to give half to the TMO. Bad 
feelings about that too I shouldn't wonder.

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov.

Michael: note the highlighted part of my post below. A schism requires that the 
split off group has a coherent organization. I don't know if the initiators in 
England have this.

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

the Movement already split - don't forget the renegade initiators in England

 From: "anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 8:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: About Nov. 30

Species, Corporations, Religions, Cults, as is the nature of change, always, if 
they persist, break apart or become extinct.
A schism is always eventually in the cards for the TM movement. It is said 
shortly after his death, the followers of Buddha broke into some two dozen 
different sects. You can see how Christianity split over time. There seem to be 
fewer splits among Muslims, perhaps a reflection of the dark ferocity of their 
memes. The Mormons, barely a religion after 150 years, have split six times. And
look at all the different Hindu flavours. It is almost a no-brainer prediction 
that the TM movement will at some point split. *Already there are many teachers 
in various countries teaching outside the movement purview.* 

I would say that movements in which the participants are unable to think for 
themselves are likely to cohere together longer than those in which mental 
freedom and expression are given freer reign. Onward

Rick does not have to do anything to weaken the movement, it will break 
naturally of its own accord, it is already frayed around the edges. While you 
might try to do something to arrest progress, eventually you will fail. That is 
the nature of evolution.

---In, <> wrote :

It's part of Rick Archer's long-time strategy to try to split up and weaken the 

---In, <rick@...> wrote :

An organizer asked me to post this. 
Be curious. Be practical. Be
One's perspective on this presentation of Explanations should be focused on 
"assessing its content" (i.e., whoever the source may be is far less relevant). 
Ask yourself on November 30th:
1) Is the content valuable and helpful to me now in my life? 
2) Does it have a practical benefit? If yes, then take that part and use it. If 
not, then don't. 
That should always be the test. On the individual level. 
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