functioning based on the principle of three gunas: Rishi - Davata- Chanddhas
   Is this the exact term Maharishi uses to discribe these three things.??  "Gunas"
          You can fix a thought (or a an object), but it has to automatically turn into something else, otherwise it would "burn" a hole in your mind, in case it stayed at the same spot.
   The object turns into something else.??  How does it burn a "hole" in the Mind.??
          Samadhi is the sattwa guna of the mind (pure ground of consciousness).
   Generaly it is thaught that, Samadhi is above mind. Above sattwa guna also.  Could you exactly Quote, where Maharishi said this.??
          if Samadhi starts to render its influence, it needs its rajas-nature inherent in it in order to give place for a new result (manifestation), which is also part of the sattwic force.
   Samadhi needs it's rajas nature for a new result.??  And the new result is also a part of the sattwic force.??  Sounds contradictory.  Could you give me some source for this statement.  Did Maharishi or somebody say this.??
          Ravishankar would be ready to let me initiate "hundreds and thousands of his followers" provided a) I got an authorisation from the TM-Movement to do so and
   RaviShankar knows TM and himself can initiate all his followers.  Why the TM-org didn't reply.??
         His way of talking with a nonchalant voice, reminded me to a plagiarism of Maharishi's typical self-_expression......    trying to imitate his former master.
   Is there anything original in this Universe.??
         But it is for sure that you will hardly find the academic recognition of Robert Keith Wallace's findings at Harvard Medical School in the early Seventies, especially the clear defintion of a fourth state of consciousness, which is unlike sleep, dreaming and waking state in scientific literature.
   I understand your concern and frustration about this, but could the CIA do something to deny academic recognition.??
          Viktor Schauberger, Wilhelm Reich and Nicolas Tesla have found out that there is an energy, which can be activated by gentle methods, who unfold a mulitifold strength of powers than conventional energies.
   Are you talking about Zero-point energy.??  I heard that you need a huge industrial plant like think to extract it[future]. are you saying there is something applicable at present and not being tapped into.??
From: "Hagen J. Holtz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 00:14:01 +0100
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Earth turns around the sun not the other way: (How MMY sold a diamond (TM) for a handful of spinach...)
   dhyana ("gliding")
   Are they really Gliding.??
The mind is always by its functioning based on the principle of three gunas: Rishi - Davata- Chanddhas
"I am Hagen" (subject - awareness - object) or "You question me" etc.. There is nothing les than three. If you take one aspect, trying to isolate it, the two others
silently come along. Think about it thoroughly !
If you say "I".... and you stop saying more, trying to hide that you wanted to say sometzhing more, then silently at least the question "I" means what ? By this the three gunas have been joining together automatically. Either you can make some statement or you are speech- and meaningless. If you state something, the three are obviously involved. If you do not state sonething, they are still involved, because the avoidance as such implies the same again.
Dharana - Dhyana-Samadhi are synonyms of this first "triangle" of attributes, the same as sat-chit-ananda are synonyms to the second triangle, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva another one or sattwa-rajas-tamas and so forth.
Dr. Peter Plichta has been finding innumerous of such three-attributes based principles in various science disciplines (see also God's secret formula, Element Books).
Even without practicing the siddhis you are under the influence of the same mind-principles. You can fix a thought (or a an object), but it has to automatically turn into something else, otherwise it would "burn" a hole in your mind, in case it stayed at the same spot. This act of metamorphosis is the gliding-aspect, which ends up in an "ecstasy" or new manifestation.
(Some practical exercise: Draw a cube on a piece of paper and let your mind contemplate on the form with open eyes. Try to fix it as good as you can. After a few seconds it will turn its space-direction from back-ground to fore-ground and after a few seconds back again and so forth.)
If you start with a mantra you will easily  glide (slipping on a banana peel - see Course on SCI !!)
automatically into samadhi (pure consciousness).
          Due to the three-guna principle the result is samadhi.
    What does three gunas has to do with Samadhi.??
Samadhi is the sattwa guna of the mind (pure ground of consciousness). Dhyana is the rajas-aspect (dynamic movement) and
dharana is the tamas-aspect of the mind (fruit or result or manifestation out of the dynamics of the dhyana-force). The rsult has to to dissolve again, and that is being done by the influence of transcendence (Samadhi). All three gunas can never be seen as isolated.
That means, if Samadhi starts to render its influence, it needs its rajas-nature inherent in it in order to give place for a new result (manifestation), which is also part of the sattwic force. This is an infinitely endless and minute process, taking place at every moment and everywhere, because there is no "space" left in between any of these processes (advaita-aspect = non-divisibility). And in thoses moments itself it takes place innumerable times.
          99% of the TM-Teachers all over the world have been leaving the movement. Many of them are still teaching. That is, what Maharishi wanted.
made so many minds become independent, not anymore bound to the master. This is the lesson of freedom Maharishi taught to us
    Why does the TM-org rabidly criticise Deepak Chopra and Sri Sri. Ravishankar.??  TM-governors claim MMY called him "Sugar-Caned poison".??
I do not know, whether Ravishankar od Deppak had been called so. But I guess it would preferredly fit to Ravishankar. When I was living at Gandhinagar/India between October 18, 1997 and September 11, 2001 (!!!) I got in touch with Ravishankars "Art of Living", and I watched a group of Government-employees practicing "Sudarshan Kriya" (I hope I remember the name of this practice correctly). I was shockked, ´because I heard them breathing "like horses" close to be collapsing into a hyperventilative cramp. It sounded so unnatural and disharmonious to me that I had the instant impulse to undertake something.
I wrote a letter to him and got an answer from his secretary: In short the answer was (out of which you can make out my own inquiry), that Ravishankar would be ready to let me initiate "hundreds and thousands of his followers" provided a) I got an authorisation from the TM-Movement to do so and b) that the TM-Movement stopped to behave like a "fanatic muslim organization"- I was positively shocked and tried to get in touch with the TM-movement. No reply. Ravishankar also invited me to come to his place at Andhra Pradesh, but unfortunately I became sick at that time (getting Malaria) and could not attend the planned meeting. Later on I did not succeed in getting further in touch with him, only seeing him on the Indian TV-Screen, where I felt his self-_expression really like "sugar-caned". His way of talking with a nonchalant voice, reminded me to a plagiarism of Maharishi's typical self-_expression. It had a "sweetness" of someone, who obviously intended to ride on a fashionable wave, trying to imitate his former master. (Similarly Nandkeshore always tried to imitate Maharishi, which in a similar way sounded tweely and apocryphal).
         I have to keep the appearance of the movement ridiculous. Those who are able to think from the heart will yet join and be with us."
    What about those who Use their Brains.??
Those who think from the heart defintely use their brains. But I indirectly agree to you: Those who are trying to use their brains
not always think from their hearts.
         But science on TM got obviously suppressed by CIA and other conspiraceous groups.
    How does the CIA suppress Science.??
I am not totally in picture of the genuine story. But once someone close to me reported that the German Government got a serious warning from some American delegate not to support the German TM-Movement anymore. Church and Government in joint effort started a fatal campaign, which created an aversion in all schools against TM. World-wide more and more voices came up to say that the movement is launching pseudo-scientific explanations regarding their religious efforts in order to pull people out of their cultural and religious heritages and make them brain-washed and dependent. I cannot tell you how the CIA has been doing it concretely. But it is for sure that you will hardly find the academic recognition of Robert Keith Wallace's findings at Harvard Medical School in the early Seventies, especially the clear defintion of a fourth state of consciousness, which is unlike sleep, dreaming and waking state in scientific literature. It is also a present scandal, why Governments are still not being obliged to introduce "transcending" as a duty in education. People get forced to get insufficiently educated, therefore by logic the Goverments should also be in the position to get children enforced to regular practice of transcendence.
be in the position
         Viktor Schauberger from Austria similar like Tesslar had shown the way to get out of dependence already in the Thirties (he was one of the fathers of discovering the reality of "free energy").       If we had his technologies as part of our homes
     What is "Free Energy".??!!  Please explain
Before I start to elaborate on it, you better look under . Viktor Schauberger, Wilhelm Reich and Nicolas Tesla have found out that there is an energy, which can be activated by gentle methods, who unfold a mulitifold strength of powers than conventional energies. Especially water seems to be a mystical element as source of this energy. Schauberger as a forest warden watched the phenomenon in the Thirties that trouts could stand still under water-falls like as if not being bound to gravity anymore and he came to trend-setting results, which later on let him be essential part of the first construction of a jet-fighter and even construction of the so-called UFO-propulsion. The allied forces after world-war second toook all his recordings under seal.
There are not only roomers but also serious hints, that research on these propulsive forces had been continued in secrecy.
It might be worth to read some book of Callum Coats, who has been doing 15 years research on Schauberger's theories and practical approaches, which also can be applied as rural technologies etc.



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