On 10/23/2014 10:09 AM, marty...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
The title of the article was quite inflammatory, as usual, being
HuffPo and all. It used the fact that many Americans don't understand
Marginal Tax Rates to create hysterical click bait.
/There are very few average Americans who understand the U.S. income tax
code because it is so complicated. And these days, many Americans don't
even trust the IRS itself to be fair and balanced in the collection of
taxes. Go figure.
What we need is a "flat tax" where everyone pays their fair share,
without all the mysterious exemptions and loopholes. We should all be
equal under the law. That's what I think.
We should abolish the IRS and simplify all the individual income tax
codes so that it is easy to understand. Then we would all know exactly
what the tax is for everyone. It is a fact that when you have a simple
flat tax code, there is less reason to employ fancy lawyers and
accountants to try and beat paying your fair share.
Thanks for posting the article./
Later in the article they fessed up.
This article might help:
*Can moving to a higher tax bracket cause me to have a lower net
income? <http://tinyurl.com/ksehxxb>
image <http://tinyurl.com/ksehxxb>
Can moving to a higher tax bracket cause me to have a...
Many people think that when their income increases by enough to push
them into a higher tax bracket, their overall take-home pay, or net
pay, wi...
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