salyavin, from my own experience I think that TM is necessary for emotional 
good health. But it's not sufficient. Just as it's not sufficient to deal with 
a toothache or a broken finger or a floundering marriage. Anyway, ALL the 
issues that have been brought up here, have been brought up in these meetings, 
and often more than once. The whole process is very encouraging and exciting 
and makes me feel happy to be part of these organization as it goes through its 
growing pains.

     On Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:27 AM, salyavin808 
<> wrote:


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Oh no no no no Sal! Haven't you read Share's gushing posts about what a grand 
effort the TMO is officially putting forth to combat suicides in Fairfield??? 
They certainly don't need to admit TM isn't the cure for all things. They are 
doing all SORTS of fabulous things, all created and orchestrated by the 
magnificent TMO!!

I'm sure we'll see whether what they offer officially is of any worth. Seems to 
me that if they break down the mystique of TM as the single greatest thing for 
human development then it will only be a matter of time before someone 
questions the validity of their position on the unified field of consciousness 
and all that that entails. Maybe they'll even start to wonder about the ME or 
yagya's, from small acorns can mighty oaks grow. Or the other way round of 
course! There is no excuse for continuing to preach an all encompassing world 
view without any evidence to back it up and still call it a science.
Shorn of the religious hyperbole the TMO might become a more realistic school 
of thought and might do more good in the world when it isn't scaring off anyone 
who doesn't like the sight of crowns and ranks of chanting Hindoo boys and 
teaching astrology in schools.
  From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

salyavin808asks:So,what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are 
they goingto do about it?
DatelineFairfield, Iowa. The meeting? It was one in a continuation ofworking 
meetings held about mental health in the community that havebeen ongoing for 
months now most every Tuesday going under theworking banner of the Fairfield 
Mental Health Alliance. These areworking meetings of people who are interested 
in being activleyinvolved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternatingTuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
isthe large group meeting where the committees bring their work. Thelarger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot hasbeen done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months tofacilitate mental 
health in to the community. The meetings are opento interested people who would 
be actively involved. They are notgripe sessions where people just hate, bitch 
and complain, but workingmeetings looking for action steps to work on and 
facilitate.Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the 
ongoing previousmeeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other 
night was the presentation anddistribution of the campus guideline for 
psychological healthtreatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work 
of a lot of people. 
This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the culturalthings that may underlie meditator communal mental 
health.Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  
Evidently it is now time in the process to really consider elements of our 
culture.  There were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rankin 
the community. The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, 
graduates of thewhole school system, long-term community meditators, campus 
people, andmovement leadership.  It was extremely well facilitated 
lastingwithin and hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak 
andparticipate in a series of rounds around the room where everyone wasasked by 
the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond to particular questionsin short 
and those comments were captured on whiteboard and posterboards by scribes in 
front of everyone to be kept and read throughout the meeting. Starting with a 
question something like, in only a few limited words andwithout statement what 
do you see the problem is here in thecommunity culture with mental health? 5 or 
so words. It went aroundthe room. Then once everything was on the boards in 
front ofeveryone came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about 
allthat was said? It went around the room to everyone includingmovement 
leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a range offeelings.Lastlarge 
question of the group was something like, in five words whatshould be done to 
effect change in the communal culture? Again timewas taken to go entirely 
around the room and the answers wererecorded by scribes on boards in front of 
the whole group to read.That went around the whole room and everything was said 
without comment or discussion.  It just moved around the room to everyone.  
These werepertinent action points. Inthe end of the meeting then everyone was 
asked to come forward and physically vote with a limited number of hash-marks 
to what they felt were themost important points offered in the meeting. That 
data then willsubsequently generate a report with priority for a future 
meetingabout what it might take to change the culture of the movement 
aroundmental health. It was all very open and very well done.  Communal process 
to continue,,# #Now, as the science evidently does seem to indicate do take 
some quiet time for effective transcendent meditation for the welfare of your 
mental health and go forth and havea better day. JaiGuru Dev,-Buck in the Dome
Good for you guys for taking it seriously, it seems to me that for there to be 
an actual organisation to confront the issue means there must be quite a 
problem. Or is it that the usual therapies and professionals that the average 
person goes in search of aren't there due to the self-help nature of the town 
There are many paths to wellness, everyone has to find their own way I think as 
we all respond in different ways and have different needs. But as long as they 
know have options and won't get ostracised, it's a good step. So a well stocked 
library is essential too I think, reading about how problems develop and can be 
treated might be a good start for a lot of people, it might familiarise them as 
tohow the mind works as opposed to what they've been taught by the TMO which 
has a woefully incomplete picture of how the personality works not to mention a 
very unhealthy attitude to mental problems to start with. As is evidenced by 
the fact that you need to hold meetings about mental health in the first place.
I don't credit this "vedic" treatment plan as being worth the effort, it might 
help a few but it'll be because some people are helped just by having someone 
to talk to. It depends what the problems are, how they started and how deep 
rooted they are. An admission that TM is no panacea for all can only be a good 
thing and I'll be interested in any news about how the TMO responds.
Admitting there is a problem is always the first step in conquering it as they 

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