MJ, I don't know who Tom Allen is, but Scott Terry is the mental health care 
professional who wrote the initial letter to the MUM leadership that got all 
this going. 

Since all the misunderstandings have been going on for decades, it's reasonable 
to expect that it will take some time for all the necessary changes to be made. 
And there are bound to be lapses by individuals here and there. 

But there is definitely progress and good dialogue and people taking useful 
actions to help.

     On Tuesday, October 28, 2014 8:12 AM, "Michael Jackson 
mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

     Isn't Tom Allen the health care professional who started this whole thing? 
Please fill us in - how did the Movement bash him?

      From: "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 7:31 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] FFL Mental Health, Hating, Turq, and Belief in God is 
a form of mental illness
    The FairfieldMental Health Alliance October5th Meeting Notes

Youasked: What did you think about (the Oct 5 meeting) last night?Lookthis has 
been about creating change and that meeting was a timelyshowing of some 
progress of change. The meeting was not theconclusive meeting but it does show 
the movement has changed some andall the people on stage help show the 
integration this is taking.  Onthe left hand of the stage as the audience 
viewed it were all thesedifferent practicing clinical professionals who also 
have integratedalternative modalities in to their practices as they are useful 
andhave basis, and then Pat on the right side clarifying and holding upthe 
movement's franchise. Pat did quite a deft job clarifying onbehalf of the 
movement and Maharishi. Afterall, it was a movementcommunity meeting. Pat is 
really quite controlled smart, homey,funny, and theatrical all at once.  I 
enjoyed watching him. It was really quite brilliant.  
This is the second meeting wherehe has spoken for our collective practical 
concern as to compassionand our working to help people solve mental health 
issues beingessentially compassionate.. [very buddhistic? ] Itwill be very 
interesting to hear when that language of compassiongets picked up, adopted and 
used by spokespersons up the chain of TMcommand. That actually is extremely 
interesting that he is changingthe inside by leading with that idea. It has 
always been said that TMis without heart, well then if it is not a trick then 
we see thismovement of the movement from the upper level around this 
wholemental health thing is showing some heart, even though it took boxingthem 
in to a corner to help them show it. This is quite a change.  Questionof course 
now is the carry-through. There is more work to do tofigure out the practical 
delivery of policy. The clinic, type ofcredentialed staffing, and how they are 
going to administrate thosetrip-wire questions on their forms. That MUM student 
who spoke in the Q and A was veryeffective at holding their feet to the fire 
once again in public. They got to come up with more compassion to show on that 
one forpeople to believe them.  Itis about showing change on their part.  
Compassion?  Theiradministrative banishing of Tom Allen was not the timely 
example ofany change there. Opps. An long-time old meditator and yes 
withcriticisms of the organization which they were soliciting to hear,but an 
apostate?  No, not then.  Hurt now? yes.  Notgreat timing for the handling of 
one of the poster persons of Fairfield Cares.    Incrementallythe meeting was 
an important meeting strategically. It will beanother step when they have the 
confidence to post the policy topoint to on their webpage.-Buckin the Dome

Okay,things change. Git ready for change. Things are changing inside TM.There 
yet are a lot of good people in TM for good reasons and theorganizational model 
and processes has changed since the demise ofthe founder. There is a lot more 
transparency and process. We'll seeif you can change around this.  -Buckon the 
Ground in Fairfield
salyavin808asks:So,what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are 
they goingto do about it?
DatelineFairfield, Iowa. The Oct 21st meeting? It was one in a continuation 
ofworking meetings held about mental health in the community that havebeen 
ongoing for months now most every Tuesday going under theworking banner of the 
Fairfield Mental Health Alliance. These areworking meetings of people who are 
interested in being activleyinvolved in helping with communal mental health. On 
alternatingTuesdays are working committee meetings while on the off Tuesdays 
isthe large group meeting where the committees bring their work. Thelarger 
meetings are very business like organized by agenda. A lot hasbeen done 
[accomplished in very tangible ways] over several months tofacilitate mental 
health in to the community. The meetings are opento interested people who would 
be actively involved. They are notgripe sessions where people just hate, bitch 
and complain, but workingmeetings looking for action steps to work on and 
facilitate.Different aspects have been focused on and worked on within the 
ongoing previousmeeting process. Last month before this last meeting the other 
night was the presentation anddistribution of the campus guideline for 
psychological healthtreatment. That was a historic meeting and showed the work 
of a lot of people. 
This current meeting the other night was a facilitated meeting getting down to 
the culturalthings that may underlie meditator communal mental 
health.Everything came on to the table. It was really well facilitated.  
Evidently it is now time in the process to really consider elements of our 
culture.  There were about 40 people around the room of various ages and rankin 
the community. The meeting had a cross-section representation of students, 
graduates of thewhole school system, long-term community meditators, campus 
people, andmovement leadership.  It was extremely well facilitated 
lastingwithin and hour or so such that everyone was asked to speak 
andparticipate in a series of rounds around the room where everyone wasasked by 
the facilitator who ran the meeting to respond to particular questionsin short 
and those comments were captured on whiteboard and posterboards by scribes in 
front of everyone to be kept and read throughout the meeting. Starting with a 
question something like, in only a few limited words andwithout statement what 
do you see the problem is here in thecommunity culture with mental health? 5 or 
so words. It went aroundthe room. Then once everything was on the boards in 
front ofeveryone came the next question, in a word how do you feel now about 
allthat was said? It went around the room to everyone includingmovement 
leadership. 'Hopeful' was a common comment among a range offeelings.Lastlarge 
question of the group was something like, in five words whatshould be done to 
effect change in the communal culture? Again timewas taken to go entirely 
around the room and the answers wererecorded by scribes on boards in front of 
the whole group to read.That went around the whole room and everything was said 
without comment or discussion.  It just moved around the room to everyone.  
These werepertinent action points. Inthe end of the meeting then everyone was 
asked to come forward and physically vote with a limited number of hash-marks 
to what they felt were themost important points offered in the meeting. That 
data then willsubsequently generate a report with priority for a future 
meetingabout what it might take to change the culture of the movement 
aroundmental health. It was all very open and very well done.  Communal process 
to continue,,# #Now, as the science evidently does seem to indicate do take 
some quiet time for effective transcendent meditation for the welfare of your 
mental health and go forth and havea better day. JaiGuru Dev,-Buck in the Dome

?“..the role of principle Barry hater - and you have to admire thegusto!” No,we 
all rate posts as we may read them on spectrum; from posts thatmake: 
Observations, to suggestions, to criticism, by negativity andtone, to apostasy, 
thence to active anger and hating. In reading these posts Ifeel Ann through 
reading the individual postings here simply lost some faith more in Turq by her 
better understanding of his writing and approach here after reading theLenz 
book that was posted here. It is that simple also.  I alwaysread the Turq and 
feel he has a valid perspective from having 'beenthere' at a time, by his 
contrast with spiritual experience likeFleet's, and now I feel I have an even 
better understanding of him asa critic from this recent Freddy Lenz/Rama thread 
on FFL. Context oftenis everything. 
Thatis something that is particularly good about the writing on FFL, thatit 
often can render down what is truth. Judy was very much part ofthat process 
when she was here. Ann also helps with that by virtueof her mind about things 
and by life experience as context aboutthings here. Some here have been pricks 
and Ann may be prickly towards people attimes.  Rick seems to welcome almost 
everyone contributing to therelated topics of FairfieldLife. I thank Rick for 
that. Publicforum is often one of the best checks against theocratic tyranny. 
Therewas an amazing open meeting last night in meditating Fairfield 
whereeverything was on the table in front of a bunch of the higher-up 
apparatchiks of the new TM movement. For upward pressures on the 
organizationbeing beyond theocratic control, FFL has long been a part of the 
calculus of the meditating Fairfield communal culture. Thereis a lot of change 
going on inside right now by virtue of theattention of public forum. Turq in 
his way has been part of that foryears by force of his experience, personality 
and writing. I wouldmiss him if he gets entirely hounded or completely 
embarrassed off ofthis forum. In the same way I feel it was really mean the way 
theyhounded Judy personally off this list and out of this community.Rick and 
the moderators should have stopped that before the end. Iwould hope we could 
all be kinder with one another in process. JaiGuru Dev, -Buckin the Dome 
Om, Dear MJ; under a theory that ethics is a leading economic indicator of 
organizational life, could your vitriolic level as to TM, the Maharishi and the 
meditation he promulgated and some of TM's past leadership be malleable if the 
new TM movement has changed its ethical code and behavior? Or, are you locked 
in to your feelings and opinion? Just wondering. I am seeing quite a lot of 
change [movement] in the new TM movement.  Does that kind of healthy change 
dismay your position?Kindly,-Buck

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