On 10/28/2014 5:33 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

(thought I'd keep them separate in case we get confused)
/Like. Everyone loves photos of grand vistas, but do you have any photos of just normal everyday events or daily living? Thanks.//
//P.S. You seem to have changed the subject line and snipped out the URL to my works. Go figure./

    I like taking photos when I'm strolling about. But I aint no pro,
    so don't be getting harsh on me:

    This one is the beach where I live. Well, I don't live /on/ the
    beach. Not yet anyway....

    This is a place called Durdle door. It's part of the UK's Jurassic
    coast and it's a UN world heritage site.

    Poole harbour at sunset, a short stroll from my house.

    Trafalgar Square, London.

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