On 10/30/2014 6:42 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
*From:* "dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Thursday, October 30, 2014 11:57 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

Ethnography. Om no that first paragraph was really fine. It gave a lot of information to get going and you see it is an article where you the reader get to roll up your sleeves up to work with it. You're being way too cranky and hard-minded.

No, I'm being realistic, because at one point in my life I was as insane as the people in Fairfield who believe that by bouncing on their butts they are "flying." But in my case this delusion only lasted for about a year.
Lasted about a year? Maybe you could explain to us why your autobiography is still up on your Rama Lenz site:

/"Anyway, if you're interested, I wrote some stuff about the fellow and what it //
//was like to study with him in a book that's on the Web..."/ - TurquoiseB

Accessed on October 30, 2014

I regained my sanity and left long before the TMO started claiming that by bouncing on my butt I could "create world peace," which is actually a more troubling level of insanity than believing it could make them fly. I'm presenting on this forum (that was *created* to discuss alternative views of TM, BTW) a different point of view on the insanity TM "dome goers" are living with on a daily basis, because it appears they're not likely to ever get that point of view from within Fairfield itself. There is too much effort being expended by people like you to "candy coat" this insanity and try to present it as if it were normal. It isn't. It never was. It never will be. What it is is insanity. If you can admit that, you might become sane someday. If you can't, you probably never will.

As written it is actually an important article in ethnography about the group of meditators having come to live in Fairfield, Iowa. For those of us who live here in FF the writing captures things that we all live with. Things that are very familiar. Writing like this is an important adjunct to journalism by outside writers or in scholarly papers written by people who have not lived it. This article is worth a bookmark, like that article that Donna Schill Cleveland should have one. These are important voices that should be cultivated for the perspective they have.

turquoiseb wrote :

*From:* "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>

image <https://medium.com/the-archipelago/growing-up-in-utopia-8102f58dfcbc>
Growing Up in Utopia <https://medium.com/the-archipelago/growing-up-in-utopia-8102f58dfcbc> When your family and friends want to save the world by meditating, you can sometimes feel out of place in small-town Iow…

View on medium.com <https://medium.com/the-archipelago/growing-up-in-utopia-8102f58dfcbc>
Preview by Yahoo

I couldn't read this piece because I couldn't get past the first paragraph. Whatever the author's intention in writing it is or was, his cluelessness in that first paragraph stopped me in my tracks, and kept me from reading any further:

"I learned how to fly when I was 17. I’m not talking about a plane, and this isn’t some euphemism. 'Yogic flying,' which is basically meditation at the black-belt level, offers the potential of human levitation -- although in actuality it looks more like energetic, if not rather effortless, cross-legged hopping."

This person (although his intention may have been to suggest the opposite) is IMO *still* suffering from the ill effects of growing up in an insane asylum. Bouncing around on one's butt and calling it 'yogic flying' is NOT 'meditation at the black belt level,' it's INSANITY at the black belt level.

Try picking any town in America, walking along its streets, stopping people at random, and explaining to them, "I'm doing a survey. Twice a day I bounce around on my butt on big slabs of foam, along with other people who do the same thing because we are convinced that doing this will reduce crime, affect the weather, and create world peace. What do you think of this?"

My bet is that you would get answers like, "Uh...sounds fine to me...good luck with that..." spoken over the interviewee's shoulder as they were edging away, watching you carefully and hoping that you weren't following them so that they didn't have to break into a run.

See, this is the thing that makes interacting with long-term TMers on this forum so challenging -- they really have NO IDEA how insane they are, and how insane the things they believe are.

For many of them, it seems as if it's been so long since they've actually talked with anyone who WASN'T indoctrinated with all of this cult nonsense they way they were that they've forgotten how these normal people think and act. They're used to interfacing with people who don't bat an eyelash when you announce to them, "Sorry...got to go...it's time for me to go fly now."

Hint: That's insane. No one is "flying." No one has EVER "flown" in *any* of the TM "flying" halls. And no one ever will.

Most people, told that this would even be *possible*, would react with either laughter or derision, and walk away. TMSPers reacted by paying several thousand dollars to learn how.

Hint: That's insane.

And it's as insane now as it was when you first paid those thousands of dollars. The only reason people on this forum and around you in Fairfield don't think so is that you live in an enormous insane asylum, in which the residents are reinforcing their shared delusions by pretending that they're "saving the world" instead of acting out less-than-sane fantasies.

Some of these inmates who post to this forum get upset when I or Michael or Salyavin or Curtis point out HOW far away from mainstream definitions of sanity they are to believe that there actually IS such a thing as the 'Maharishi Effect.' I imagine that inmates in mental hospitals feel the same way when doctors and nurses point out that they're not *really* Napoleon or Jesus Christ.

To these people I say, "GET OVER IT." Wake the fuck up, take a look around at international standards for sanity, shake yourself, and realize that if you actually believe that bouncing on your butt can be called 'flying' and that performing this bouncing is creating world peace...uh...you're INSANE. You're NOT "special" or "more evolved" or "10,000 X more powerful than lesser people," you're INSANE.

It's OK to *be* insane, if your insane beliefs give you some sense of comfort and don't hurt anybody. After all, millions of people believe in an invisible man in the sky who watches everything they do, and as long as they don't get in other people's faces about it, they can be that insane and still be considered productive members of society.

But ferchrissakes don't pretend that the things you believe AREN'T insane, and don't pretend to be outraged because other people point out the insanity. You CHOSE to be considered insane the moment you signed that check and paid thousands of dollars to learn how to 'fly.' Live with that choice now, and try not to pretend that you're still sane after having made it. Having made that choice makes you an outlier, an anomaly within human society. A nut case.


It's not. And no amount of claiming will ever make it so.

  • Re: [FairfieldL... 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
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    • Re: [Fairf... dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
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        • Re... 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [Fairf... steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
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    • Re: [Fairf... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
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