Here's someone I once giged with though a bit of a nightmare for any drummer as he tended to drop beats. :-D

On 10/30/2014 10:37 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

That would be one weird film :-)

Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. <>

image <>
Curtis Blues Pre Delta War Blues. <> Went to visit the Grandparents in old town, and ran into Curtis Blues, before we knew the kids were part of the band. See the CNN piece on him at the bottom ...
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---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Now I wonder what Nabby would think of your music if David Lynch decided to use a cut of it in a film? ;-)

On 10/30/2014 08:17 AM, curtisdeltablues@... <mailto:curtisdeltablues@...> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

    What happened to the guy who said that the conversation was over
    from your side? I guess you are seeking some closure you haven't
    gotten yet. Let's see if I can help.

    <> <> wrote :

    You claim you produce art.

    M: I claim that my music is my art. I make living as a musical
    artist. Because you erroneously conflate this with me saying I
    make life changing, ground breaking, masterful, mind blowing, art
    you have contrived something to criticize me for beyond offering
    your personal opinion about a video you saw. I simply say that
    this is MY art. It is how I represent my inner life into a form
    of sound that is shared with others. The people who pay me to
    perform it and who buy my CDs like it, I acknowledge that you
    have weighed in that you don't like the videos you saw of my
    performance, and most people say :" Who?"

    N: I claim you produce noise

    M: What aspect of this point do you think I have missed? I get
    it, you have an unfavorable opinion about a video you saw. Check.
    Message received. You seem to be looking for a different outcome
    than me recognizing your opinion. Do you think perhaps I might
    use your opinion to stop working in this field? Do you think with
    your feedback I will change my musical focus, take up the violin

    I have enjoyed this chat as a writing prompt for considering this
    public job I do. What you don't seem to realize, as you strive to
    influence me with your opinion, is that before I ever stand in
    front of other people to judge my art, I have already spent
    countless hours passing the audition of my toughest critic, me.
    Any performing artist spends 99 per cent of his or her time alone
    mastering their art to their own satisfaction. I play the way I
    like, that is why I am at peace with people who don't like it. Of
    course I don't usually hear from them so this has been a bit of
    an opportunity for reflection and I thank you for that.

    And despite your persistently curmudgeonly view of my work, I get
    a lot of positive feedback because I put on excellent shows. I
    work hard at it like most conscientious people in their jobs and
    I get the job done. Performing is a weird line of work in that
    your job performance review is simultaneous to you doing the job.
    But even if audiences took your POV and rejected my music, I
    would still be playing it this way. I would just not be getting
    paid for it! Like most people with a desire to express themselves
    through art,  I would only perform for myself and whatever
    girlfriend I was torturing with my music at the time. The
    positive or negative feedback from other people doesn't change an
    artist's need to express their inner life the way they do.

    You don't seem to understand this fact about artists. So instead
    you are caught up in a world of thinking your harsh statements
    should affect me in some way. Art doesn't come from that place
    you can reach with your words. It isn't sustained by people
    appreciating what an artist produces. Artists live in the world
    beyond all the rise and fall of outer opinions. Many great
    artists were only appreciate after their death, Robert Johnson
    included. He was not popular in his day. He was struggling till
    the day he died.

    That is one of the many reasons I devote my life to bringing the
    gift of the arts into schools. It is a gift of self expression
    that can infuse a life with meaning and beauty. So I accept your
    opinion, but reject your view of art as an elitist activity for a
    certain few who are deemed (who deems them again, you?) worthy of
    using the word art. You are on the wrong side of the hater fence
    Nabbie. Not about my music, you are welcome to your judgement,
    but about the concept of how the activity of producing art at any
    level enriches the human spirit. It exists way beyond the ability
    for you to influence. It would enrich your own life if you could
    step out of the judgmental cage of your greatness-or-nothing view.

    N: and that your ego is out of control. It's not complicated.

    M: Here you are just being silly and trying to be mean. It is
    complicated. I have a realistic view of where my artistic
    contributions fit into the history of my genre. Do you know who
    is the most humble concerning their own musical talent and Robert
    Johnson's greatness? The guy who  plays his music  every day with
    respect and wonder that such an artist might be forgotten in this

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