I did not read this book. Unfortunately I always read the one star reviews on 
Amazon.com first which usually reveals whether the author of the review is 
coherent or a raving maniac. A bad review reveals whether the author of the 
review, who does not like the book gives reasons for not liking it beyond 
simply not liking it or not understanding it.

 Review by 'I, too, was so very disappointed':

 I was in hopes I would love the book, but it was quite the contrary. I had an 
open mind while reading this book and I had anxiously awaited its arrival. I 
heard about the book and saw all of the 4 star ratings and thought it must be a 
good read. I have finished the book today and honestly, it was hard to get 
through. I am a Buddhist and I study Buddhism every day of my life. It seemed 
to me that Annie desperately longs for her dead brother and there were issues 
unresolved before his death and I think, (my own opinion, here) that she has 
created this way of thinking for her self preservation. I think it is possible 
he has spoken to her on some level, but not in such eloquent ways of speaking. 
It was hard for me to believe. Also, she said she takes Valium pills to help 
her sleep. Valium can cause delusional thinking, and all sorts of sporadic 
thinking, how do I know, I once used to take them but I had dreams of my dead 
father and my dead cousin and it was really kind of creepy, I figured it was 
the drugs doing that to my mind. I took myself off of any kind of man made drug 
and I am so grateful. When I got off the pill, I delved into Buddhism and that 
changed my life for the positive in every aspect of my life. I agree with the 
Little Rooster, who gave her review. I feel like I wasted my money on this 
book, but it gave me some Enlightenment, I suppose, that no one can tell us 
what to expect in the here after, I am with Tolle Eckhart on that 
one...........It will be a Surprise and to leave it at that. Namaste'

 Portion of a review by 'A paradoxical mess of conflicting ideas revealing the 
author's delusional state':

 If there is no judgement, no right and wrong, and the life we live on Earth is 
our own personal execution of inner lessons that must be learned (as is 
repeatedly claimed by Annie Kagan through her connection with 'Billy'), why did 
'Billy' see fit to save Annie's best friend Tex from her drinking habit? Isn't 
a drinking habit part of a person's life? If a person chooses to drink to drown 
their sorrows, isn't that free will? Isn't that part of the lesson they're on 
Earth to learn? Why would Billy stage what you deemed to be an intervention and 
which I interpret as *interference* if, as Billy claimed, there is no right and 

 This is a glaring problem because Billy - particularly toward the end of the 
book - presumably has access to sources of information beyond comprehension, 
and yet he makes a fundamental logical error here. He claims again and again 
that nothing we do on Earth is bad, and then identifies a drinking habit as 
bad, worthy of saving Tex from herself, over-arching the supposed free will 
message. Moreover, if death is merely a transition, why is it so vitally 
important that Billy prevent the death not only of Tex (from her worsening 
drinking habit) but also for Annie Kagan's ex-husband who would surely have 
died without Billy's intervention.

 How can human behaviour be neutral in all forms but still be wrong in some 
forms. Who is Billy - a self professed drug addict and alcoholic - to pass 
judgement on the habits of a living human being in any case? There are many 
such paradoxes in the book, all of which, I'm afraid, reveal the author to be 
either deluded, insane or extremely imaginative. I wish I could say that Annie 
Kagan at least *believed* she was in touch with her dead brother's spirit, but 
grief can do incredible things to the human brain, and by Annie's own 
admittance she has been involved in certain aspects of esoteria for a long time 
(she was already an expert on meditation prior to her contact with Billy)...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

 Has anyone here read "The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How my bad-boy brother 
proved to me there is life after death"? I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'd 
be interested to see what anyone else thought.

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