And the election we just had won't do anything to solve the problem. We had not much of any choice, just tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumber. I only voted on propositions which is sort of a direct though questionable form of Democracy. The questionable part is the public voting on complex propositions that only lawyers would understand and some that really need to be debated in the state assembly.

I also voted on replacing members of the city council which appears to have rid itself of an opportunist. It's just that the large number of mail in ballots have yet to be counted a portion of which would have voted on the council positions and at last count there were only a few votes separating the two runner ups. The yuppie woman got enough votes to be re-elected leaving one chair up and between two candidates, one a former IT tech and the other a forensics manager. Either would do and I voted for both (and not for the yuppie). Lord knows we need people who know tech legislating rather than the clueless so the IT guy was my first choice and the forensics manager is a neighbor who pledged to represent those of us on the right side of the tracks er freeway.

On 11/06/2014 07:23 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Turns out this video is a fake - still damned funny of course.

The video, titled "How Americans Live Today," features an English voiceover purportedly translating the original Korean narration. The phony translation describes hyperbolic scenes of Americans being forced to live in tents and eating melted snow in order to survive. The man behind the farce? British travel writer Alun Hill, who doesn't speak a word of Korean. The original video from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency apparently depicts the failure of European democracy.

The fact that it's so easy to take it as genuine is sufficient indictment of the regime.

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