The term "trika" mean three - that comes from the idea that there are three levels of consciousness: waking, dreaming, and sleeping; and a fourth called the Transcendental state of consciousness. Trika also means that there are three types of aspirants, so that there are three meditation techniques, one suitable for each person's level of spiritual ability./

1. Sambhavopaya is the level at which the meditator
has given up the bija mantra and resides in pure
consciousness. This is the level of Vajrayana
'consciousness-only', which culminates in jivan-mukti,
'liberated while yet living'.

2. Saktopaya is the level where the aspirant uses a
form of concentration, such as concentration on a
particular thought or sound, like a bija mantra or a
phrase. He or she must develop 'God Consciousness'
by simply meditating on this thought.

3. Anavopaya is that means in which a sadhaka must
develop higher consciousness by resorting to
meditation on the breath, the inhalation and the
exhalation - Pranayama and the recitation of prayers,
supplications, bowing, and repeating mantras.


Kashmir Trika Foundation:

/Read more:/

Subject: gauDapAdIya on the phenomenology of consciousness.
/Author: willytex
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Dec 17, 2002

Work cited:

*A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy*
/by Chandrahar Sharma, M.A., D. Phil., D. Litt., LL.B.,
Shastri, Dept. of Phil., Benares Hindu U.
Rider 1960
vimshAtika-Vrtti on kArikA 1,
p. 114./

On 11/3/2014 4:52 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Kashmiri Shaiva teachings deviate from the Kevala Advaita of Shankara. They are Tantra teachings only and although theoretically interesting, they lack the uncompromising directness of Shankara's Upanishad exegesis.
The Vedanta doctrine contends that there is only one ultimate reality which never changes; therefore the manifest world is an *appearance* only. Kashmir Saivism contends that there is only one reality, but it has two aspects; therefore the manifestation is real. This is based on the argument that the effect cannot be different from its cause.

According to Theos Bernard, Kashmir Saivism teaches that consciousness alternates between two phases, rest and action. You can easily see the relation to TM practice when you consider that this is almost exactly what MMY said at Squaw Valley!/
//"In both deep sleep and transcendental consciousness there is no consciousness of objects. But this objective consciousness is present in an unmanifest *seed* form in deep sleep while it is completely transcended in the turiya." - //Mandukya Upanishad


Works Cited:

*Philosophical Foundations of India*
By Theos Bernard, Ph.D.
Philosophical Publishing House, 1947
pp. 129-130

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