Title: HOG LOT
JFAN has been very active over the last month. As you may know, we have approved four grants in the Jefferson County community, three to help in the legal fight against the intrusive and harmful effects of hog factories (CAFOs) and one to encourage sustainable, non-intrusive farming practices in Jefferson County. We are now in the process of raising additional money to fund these grants and others.
One grant is to the Dick Simmons family. Dick is retired and was on the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors for many years.  Unfortunately, he is now battling cancer. His son Tim, who is fighting in
Iraq, lives even closer to the CAFO.  Without any warning, they have watched as a CAFO was constructed within a stone’s throw of their homes and they are devastated. Their homes could be seriously devalued and they will be subjected to all the detriments of the hog confinement.

We need to help our neighbors—and ourselves! Won’t you please consider contributing $50.00 to $100.00. Naturally, you can do more if you wish, or you may need to contribute less due to personal circumstances.  But it is essential that everyone becomes involved.
You can
make your donation to:
Jefferson County Farmers and Neighbors, Inc.
PO Box 811
Fairfield, IA  52556

The threat of hog factories is not a distant thought but something that needs to be acted on now. More CAFOs are being planned in
Jefferson County. We do not want to become like our neighbor, Davis County. In 1997, they were promised only 20 CAFOs would be built, but within 3 years, over 80 were constructed and now they have 1 million hogs!  

There are dozens of reasons why it may not be the right time to give – but there is one big reason to contribute – your health and happiness.
We hate to put it this way, but if you don’t do anything, then you have to assume nothing will be done. We all know what that would mean to our cherished community.
 We wish we could call you directly, but all of us involved in JFAN are volunteers and time does not allow for that. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Best wishes for a healthy future.
Robert Swanson
JFAN Officer and Board Member    641-209-6600
PS  We need to educate the public about the detrimental impact of CAFOs and encourage sustainable agriculture.  You can learn more about JFAN’s activities in these areas on our website, www.jfaniowa.org.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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