/The conscious mind is merely the PR department of our brain that tries to make everything look good.

According to what I've read, on average a person makes 100,00 decisions in a single day. We have no control over about 90% of these, and for the most part, we don't even realize that we're making them.

That's because our subconscious mind operates in secret. It determines who we fall in love with, which cars we buy - and which mistakes we make. 90% of what we do happens subconsciously.

Our mind would be blown to bits if we had to do everything with the conscious mind. Apparently the human mind can only process four or five units of information simultaneously. /

On 11/14/2014 10:16 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
The research mattered to me, because they were seeing that there's a difference between consciousness and awareness -- BIOCHEMICALLY SPEAKING. This to me is major. To pursue this line of exploration could yield some clear proofs that awareness is ooga-booga that none-the-less 100% controls ALL processes anywhere WITHOUT ANY INSTRUMENTALITY. Pure magic.

"Trivial" decisions are use for experimenting, because they can be controlled for variables. The "hard thinking" you're putting on the table differs by degree not kind. Of the thousands of thoughts one might have before asking someone to marry one, all were, presumably, based upon the same mechanisms.

Free will can't be said to be "present" if consciousness is absent. For instance, a person in a coma might thrash around and break a vase next to the bed -- by your reckoning, that was a mindful act.....and same deal for tons of other examples which folks will disavow as "my purposeful act." And what of all the autonomic processes? Are they too our actions?

Clearly the word "mine" becomes the issue. Identity with processes, no matter how subtle, is the primal error.

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