On 11/29/2014 11:57 AM, s3raphita wrote:

*/Re "filing of actual criminal charges":/*

Don't US courts refuse to extradite their own citizens to the law in foreign jurisdictions? Or at least make it damned difficult?
/The person that should be worried about the law should probably be the guy that's living as a guest worker in a foreign country, not the ones playing the word game and living in the U.S.

If he did actually file charges with Interpol, anything he posted //online concerning this subject is not going to look very good at the Hague, NE immigration department, no matter how innocent he may be and just wanted to push a few buttons.

If I were him, I'd just keep my big pie hole shut and just hide out for awhile and think things over. That's what I did after a few misfits here accused me of beastiality, being a perv and posing as a pedophile priest. I don't see anyone on the forum apologizing to me.

But, I never once thought of going to the police to complain. I figure if you're going to play with fire, you should be able to take the heat if you get burned or if something backfires on you.

I guess we can pretty well conclude now that there is an informant among us reporting everything we say to the authorities. I tried to warn everyone about this for years but nobody wanted to listen.
//These episodes would probably never happen if the forum had an active moderator. It's been obvious to me for years that some of the respondents on this forum are racists, prejudiced and hypocritical, to say the least./
We don't need no revolution - we already had one and the people won. /All we need to believe in is that we are all equal and that we all have the same opportunity to get realized, or not. /////

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

*From:* salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Salyavin, if I apologize, what's included is an intention to avoid doing the hurtful behavior in the future. Heck we all do awful stuff sometimes. I think it's a valid part of relating to others that we acknowledge our part in their upset and then soldier on.

Yes, the operative word here is IF. Trouble is these days a lot of people think that because they are offended by something it automatically follows that someone has done something wrong and should apologise. It seems like simply being offended gives them the right to control other's opinions. Beats me.

*/Worse, in this Age of New Age Narcissism, they feel that they have the right to inflict *their* opinions on others. In the most recent case here on Fairfield Life, my choice of words pushed the buttons of a few cultists so badly that they began to imagine things about me that aren't true. This is nothing new, but then -- probably because they're so USED to taking their own fantasies seriously and treating them as Truth Incarnate -- they started to act those fantasies out on this forum and accuse me of things. The things that they have brainwashed themselves to believe about me aren't true, but they are volatile enough that if I had allowed them to go unresponded-to, the resulting libel and defamation could potentially have a negative impact on my family.

*/Fortunately for me (and unfortunately for the two people who have chosen to defame me), one of our close family friends here in the Netherlands IS a cop, and furthermore one who works in the anti-cyberterrorism group. We know him from a local "Meetup" discussion group, of which we've all been members for some time.
*/So yesterday I explained the situation to him and, to my surprise, his first question to me was, "By any chance, are these people who are trying to insinuate that you are a child molestor members of a religious cult?" Somewhat taken aback, I said "Yes," and then he explained that the reason he asked is that this (using the Internet to attempt to brand someone as a sex criminal, especially in regard to children) was a favorite tactic used by cults they are tracking in the Netherlands (especially $cientology, but also some extreme Christian cults).
*/He advised me to take this action by Nabby and Jim Flanegin more seriously, and walked me through the steps of doing so. Here in the Netherlands, it's a two-step process. First I notify the proper division of the police about the cyberstalking, giving them the email addresses of the stalkers and forwarding to them examples of all defamatory posts or emails they have sent. This officially puts them on a "Watch List," and causes Interpol and other agencies to flag any traffic coming from these addresses for further scrutiny.
*/This has been done. If they wise up and drop this stupidity, I will never need to take it to step two, which is the filing of actual criminal charges. Note that the words "criminal charges" are exact in this situation -- my friend made it very clear that here in the Netherlands what they are doing is not a mere civil offense but a crime./*
*/But the saddest part from my point of view is that neither of these guys is going to ever feel as if they did anything wrong. THEY were the ones taking the two words I posted *referring to their spiritual teacher* and turning them in their heads into some kind of psychological diagnosis of me. THEY were the ones committing defamation and libel -- as pointed out earlier, I never once suggested that Maharishi or anyone else *really* was into fucking babies. THEY made that up, and about me. My friend the cop -- having seen my original post and their followups -- tells me that if either of them persists in this folly, my case against them will be a slam-dunk and he could put them in prison.
*/But isn't it amazing that they felt that they had the *right* to do this in the first place? As Salyavin and others have pointed out (and my friend the cop suggested as well), this syndrome of "professional outrage" they wear like a badge of honor is quite possibly a form of mental illness. Their outrage does NOT give them the right to act out the fantasies my words inspire in them and harm others. /*

*From:* salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Friday, November 28, 2014 12:40 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Apologies...

        "If I was the moderator of this group I'd put him on
        probation with a very strong warning and demand an apology to
        the entire group and until he does I'd limit his participation."

        I don't know who wrote the above but it's a familiar part of
        modern life that makes me scratch my head.

        Seems like every day some celebrity/sports star/politician
        says some generally inconsequential thing and immediately
        faces endless calls to apologise from the massed ranks of the
        professionally offended. Usually via Twitter.

        I don't know why they bother, because what good is an
        insincere apology? But it's not really about that, what it's
        about is control and humiliation. Everyone who complains knows
        that the apology is worth nothing and that people don't really
        see the error of their ways and swiftly adopt the morals of
        the herd, but if they can get someone to say what they want
        them to say it makes them happy because their will has been
        bent and it acts as a warning to others. Conform or we'll nag
        you endlessly. Is this the Internet as the great leveller, or
        a growing inability of people to accept that not everyone sees
        the world the same way they do?

        I knew this girl who was a right arrogant bitch, whenever I
        complained about her behaviour she'd just say "I'm sorry
        you're offended by what I said" which is marvellous because it
        put all the blame on /me/ for /her/ attitude problem. And she
        never understood why that drove me crazy, no empathy you see.
        I wonder what that's like? But all I know is she wouldn't even
        think to wonder.

        But if I ever annoy the world and the Twitteratti come banging
        on my cyber door for an apology that's what I'd say and see if
        any of the dumb fucks notice they've just been insulted further.

              • ... curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... salyavin808
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