On 11/30/2014 03:27 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

*From:* salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>

I saw a lot of movies before anyone else did, sometimes in the editing room. We were always invited to cast/crew screenings of Bond movies. My Dad even had a letter that would get him into any cinema in the country. We saw Star Wars in 77 and walked straight past the queues to the doorman who read my dad's letter and ushered to the best seats in the house.

I stood in a line stretching around the block in Seattle with a couple friends (also TM teachers) in 1977 to see Star Wars not realizing it was a film by a neighbor I knew and hung out with in 1970 when I lived in Mill Valley, California. I also saw THX 1138 when it played at my hometown drive-in. Never saw "American Graffiti" though. Thing is, I'm not good at remembering names and the PR for 1138 which was in a Newsweek piece didn't have a picture of George and by Star Wars he'd put on weight so I didn't recognize him. I didn't figure this all out until the early 1990s. And I'm embarrassed because a friend ran into him at a party and George remembered me by name!

We used to have an Emmy award winning editor on FFL. I have to check every so once and a while to see what he's up to. When one is in the arts you just often wind up meeting famous people and if you mention it sound like a name dropper but that's just how it goes. Weirdest one was finding out that my small town school principal was the uncle of a famous Hollywood actress and I also used to play music with her brother and he never mentioned it.

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