Thanks. I'm not into game shows. I like horror, sci-fi, thrillers and crime dramas and occasionally good (which is rare) comedy. Netflix just dropped off a load of European crime dramas that I've been watching over the past two weeks. US TV took a hiatus last week because they don't want anyone watching TV when they should be shopping at their advertisers. The last two episodes of "Sons of Anarchy" will be airing this week and next then it's by-by for that series. "American Horror Story: Freakshow" will probably air two more episodes then off for a month or more hiatus. The last two episodes of "Constantine" have been better than the opening ones. "Sabotage", a movie with Ahnuld and a bunch TV actors including Merrielle Enos turned out to be better than I had expected. It's on Netflix but too violent for this crowd.

The gimmick TV manufacturers are pushing now is 4K TV sets and Sony even has a 4K camcorder for $2K. I've long stopped being a trophy electronics owner though. Don't have the money nor the foolishness for it.

On 12/01/2014 02:24 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

OK, what's good on TV across the pond these days? BTW, for Netflixers here "Black Mirror" has been added in the US WI.

Tonight was quiz night on BBC2. First up was "University Challenge", which leaves me feeling inadequate if I don't get a score that matches the average of the smart arse kids from Oxbridge.

Second was "Only Connect", which is fiendishly difficult, full of abstract puzzles. I did crap on thattonight, but did well on University Challenge. I bet you don't have anything remotely like either of those in the US.

Other than that, I've glanced at a few of the BBC's dramas that they are proud of, "Remember me" is a ghost story starring Michael Palin, give it a try if you can as it's very creepy. But I missed most of part two because of watching George's vision and forgot to tape it so I'll probably give up.

We had this Australian drama on BBC4's called "The Code" which got off to a cracking start and had some great acting but they forgot to write a good ending and gave it a Scooby Doo, "I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling kids" equivalent. Which, after 4 weeks of watching felt like I'd been cheated. I think they are trawling the world hoping for another hit like "The Killing" but it didn't work out.

"The Fall" season two is excellent.

If you want a hot tip about something I really enjoyed, see if you can find a BBC comedy called "The Detectorists" it was my favourite programme of the season. It's a really sweet tale about the life and loves of a couple of guys with metal detectors. It's much better than it sounds, honest. And it couldn't be more English if it tried.

Have a go at this:

Only Connect - Series 8 - Episode 1 <>

image <>
Only Connect - Series 8 - Episode 1 <> The BBC quiz show "Only Connect," hosted by Victoria Coren Mitchell. It's a brand new series, and the Lasletts and the Pilots are competing for Win 1 ...
View on <>
Preview by Yahoo

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

On 12/01/2014 12:32 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

    <>, <sharelong60@...>
    <mailto:sharelong60@...> wrote :

    Salyavin, one of my very favorite bits from Geo Hammond was when
    he said that the bottom line is teaching people how to turn
    within, that TM is a subset of turning within.

    I learned this one mindfulness technique that seems so innocuous
    that anyone who'd been steeped in TM lore would dismiss it as
    rubbish and say that it couldn't possibly lead to anything,
    unlike TM because that involves magic mantras and puja and
    evading the conscious mind blah, blah. But I did it when I was
    standing up on a train simply because there was a crap view out
    of the window and it blew my mind in no small way, like there was
    a waterfall of sweet light streaming through me.

    I know it all sounds hideously cheesy but the thing is, I
    realised how it was working while it was happening and it was so
    simple I hadn't even thought it might compare to TM in that way,
    makes the effortlessness of TM seem like playing chess. I started
    laughing at my discovery that I got from a library book.

    There was a point to this post that was relevant to your comment
    but I got carried away with the memory.... Turning within! Yes,
    he's right but there are so many ways of doing it that I wonder
    if anyone knows them all. Or even how effective they are for
    different people, or if some should be avoided by different
    people. So I'm not sure I'd recommend my approach to a newbie
    TMer because it's hard to explain. It's the sort of thing you
    have to find your own way through.

    So the bottom line for me is not being too dogmatic about it
    whichever type you do, but don't create confusion in the minds of
    the unenlightened.

    Damn, I'm rambling and there's something good on TV.

    OK, what's good on TV across the pond these days?  BTW, for
    Netflixers here "Black Mirror" has been added in the US WI.

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