On 12/3/2014 9:49 AM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, I thought Curtis made some really reasonable points to you this morning and he wasn't inflammatory at all. Why not read his posts and make your peace with the situation as it now is?
Curtis did make some good points in his rather long post, although he didn't respond to my main point about Barry's imaginary baby and family in Leiden.

It looks like the entire incident was a planted message in order to get some angry responses.

Barry is now saying it was all a joke, that he planted the message in question, and then made up the threat to call the police. The whole thing was a hoax - there's no call to a lawyer and lurking reporter; no Dutch police "watch list"; no Interpol; and no real outrage at all.

Go figure.

It was all just a button-pushing contest set up by Barry in order to garner some support from Curtis, Salya and Xeno. They probably feel real dumb now and used - so they don't want to talk about it anymore - because it is so embarrassing to have a ruse pulled on them.

Go figure.

/"That reply was a joke, Share, just as she claims the post I was replying to was. As for anyone from the world of government or law enforcement wanting to watch you or anyone on this group just because they're on this group, that's just self-important paranoia from cultists, as usual."/- TurquoiseB, 12/2/20014

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