Michael Jackson wrote:
This has already been going on in the US courtesy of NAFTA.
/So, you're opposed to free trade? For the life of me I can't understand why you'd be opposed to the free trade of tobacco and/or cannabis in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

Talk about cognitive dissonance - MMY thought GMO's were bad; you think GMOs are bad, but you also think MMY is bad and he was a liar. ///You're not even making any sense. Do you ever think these things through before you press Send?

///"Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 among the three nations, the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, on December 17, 1992, to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed it."//
On 12/6/2014 3:29 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
Your peers including Alex Jones hate NAFTA. Don't you remember H Ross Perot warning us about it in the Presidential Debates? He was right! Libertarians hate NAFTA. They also hate these new trade agreements. They aren't about free trade either. It's all about big corporate trade. Get a grip, Willie. You aren't making any sense. Go figure.
Opponents like Alex Jones and Ross Perot rely on anecdotes to make their case, and when they use statistics, they are very selective. In the battle of sound bites and bumper stickers, NAFTA has become the short cut for venting anger about the alleged misdeeds of globalization. Go figure.

According to what I've read, most economists regard NAFTA as a tremendous success, contributing to better jobs and higher income in the three partner countries, Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.
On 12/6/2014 7:09 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
Those economists wouldn't happen to hold court on FOX News, would they?
No, I don't watch Fox News on TV, I read it on online.


You so often seem to support the status quo.  What have they done for you?
There have been huge gains for the majority of U.S consumers through lower prices and increased variety.

/"NAFTA means jobs. American jobs, and good-paying American jobs. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't support this agreement."/ - President Bill Clinton
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