On 12/7/2014 5:01 PM, William Leed wrote:

> Sanctions against Israel,  discouraging sanctions against Iran.
> There is something terribly wrong here.  What else can this president
> do in the next two years.  God help us all.  Janet
/Well, it could be worse - he could depend on NATO to protect the Netherlands and Finland from Russian aggression and/or pull all U.S. forces out of the Middle East. He could fail to prevent China from taking over Taiwan and fail to prevent North Korea from invading South Korea.

He could lose the war against terrorism and fail to prevent al Qaeda from taking over a nuclear Pakistan. He could fail to halt ISIS resulting in the eventual take-over of all the Middle East and North Africa. //He could fail to prevent Iran from producing nuclear weapons. //He could fail to support Israel against Hamas.

He could fail to secure the U.S.-Mexican border and allow thousands of illegal aliens to enter and remain in the U.S. to get food stamps and free medical care and a drivers license. ////He could also increase racial tensions in the U.S. by his remarks on TV.////
//He could use the IRS to audit his political opponents; let the NSA spy on it's own citizens and gather data; he could allow the ATF to run guns to Mexico; he could continue the war on drugs and shut down medical marijuana and the legal sale of cannabis.//
//He could neglect to make changes in the VA hospital system and force millions of Americans to pay higher costs for basic medical care. ///He could increase the national debt.

/And, he could cause the Democratic Party to be unseated in Congress and thus fail to win the next Presidential election for his party. /

  • [FairfieldLife]... William Leed wle...@aol.com [FairfieldLife]
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