Rick there is a chance present here, a fine opportunity now to take back FFL 
and recapture its franchise, the Brand of FFL from the unkindness that has 
swept over the forum. “Now is the Winter of Dis-content.” Make it ours again, a 
free and open forum again reserved and preserved as a place for kind 
thoughtfulness. It is time to have a strict No-fly Zone over FFL at 
Yahoo-groups. Let FFL go silent for a time. Give it a fallow rest.  

 A winter break, imposing a No-Fly-Zone over FFL. This would be a kindness.  
Rick, take and assume a moral leadership and set direction in executive action 
on this now as timely initiative in the re-alignment of FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups with Yahoo-groups guidelines. 
  Sincerely, -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife  

 Dear Rick; 
 21 December coming is the first day of Winter. Let it be the first day of 
Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups. It [the first day of Winter] should be 
a good day to begin a dormancy on FFL, a winter's hibernation, a negotiating 
planned disengagement of the culture of unkindness that has unbecome 
FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  Sincere regards, -Buck

 Dear Rick, Asserting and instilling a period like a seasonal silence over FFL 
as a gesture would place more of a firm grip as moral leadership towards 
reforming the general unkindness that spread across FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL 
even unto first day of Spring [March 20th 2015] whence fairer flowers springing 
might arise anew coming out of such reformative depth as a reflective period so 
imposed administratively as a reflective moral silence of a long and silent 
communal FFL winter.  -Buck in Fairfield  

  Rick, it would be very good to extend such a suspended silence upon FFL even 
unto the first day of Spring. [March 20th 2015]

 Dear Rick, Instilling an administrative no-fly zone of silence over 
FairfieldLife as a means of disengagement would be important moral leadership 
in changing the manifest wreckage of unkind tone that this battlefield of FFL 
has become. It is time to clear the FFL field spiritually. 
 I would support you in this, 
  -Buck, the Patriarch of Peace on FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups.  

 Yep silence FFL, suspend it, unto Easter Sunday [April 5, 2015] symbolic to 
the resurrection of something anew and a new hope in the community that was FFL.

 Dear Rick,  
 How about we take, at the least, the rest of the month of December and suspend 
all posting at all to FFL? Start then with a kinder more gentle FFL anew with 
posting on January 1st. Take some time off to re-group.

 Rick, we know and understand that you are busy however; have you been reading 
any of the posts to FFL?

 Rick, Just scroll down through the subject lines if you don't have time to 
read the posts, they are appalling. -Buck

 Rick, the neganauts here are playing you now to see how far they can take it.

 Dear Rick, As an old Friend You see I really don't feel that you should yield 
FairfieldLife over to the methodical negativity that has overrun and overtaken 
our FairfieldLife [FFL] community on Yahoo-groups.  Sincerely, -Buck

 Rick, FairfieldLife [FFL] has been way too important to communal Fairfield 
life in the past to just let it go to the aggressive dogs of unkind negativity 
as some mean and now narrowed successor group caliphate of hateful neganauts.

The larger communal use of FFL that FFL could facilitate in communication:

 Rick, for instance this FFL post is an incredibly important post within the 
things going on right now in the Fairfield meditating community: 404986Re: FW: 
A Cultural Survey, Maharishi on Not Speaking Ill of 

 Rick,  Could reading the old FFL posts be kept open to scholarship 
 whilst the posting function for everyone could be suspended?
  Like, being able to look at at these whilst posting is suspended? ..
 406280Hammond's Channel of Maharishi and the DC TM Meeting 
 402694Re: An Old Index to FFL 
 68Notes of the Hammond TM Lecture

 Yes a general shutdown of posting to FFL but, One of the most urgent uses of 
FFL for scholarly purposes is research into mining of the archive of FFL. The 
amazing archive here tells a back-story of a community. Is there a way (?) to 
keep the search function of the archive and also the files section open whilst 
shutting off posting to FFL for a while in the FFL groups settings?  




WLeed3@...> wrote :



 Dear, Dear Rick;  How about taking the month of December to suspend posting at 
all to FFL? Start anew with posting on January 1st.  Let thy people re-pattern 
their lives silent as a period of time to reflect elsewhere. Time for a 
re-groove, a retreading of the tires of the forum that is FairfieldLife. It 
should be better for everyone and for what FFL would be. 
 With the Best of Regards,
 The FFL Patriarch Of Positivity 
 -Buck in the Dome  

 WLeed3@...> writes :

 I will leave the form tooooo much nasty hateful thought forms via here via: 
verbiage & back biting & not enough re Fairfield IA & few good vibes, I agree 
with Buck. Col Wm D, Leed IV, best in all till it may be cleaned up Rick & all.

 Of late on FairfieldLife it feels like that sweep of IS across Syria has 
spread and happened over FFL as an open forum.  
It is now time for meditation on FFL,

 Dear Rick, I feel really sorry for you that you are left with just this 
cesspool of negativity from the recent separation in the FFL membership. This 
is not what we had hoped for with the forum as we started FarifieldLife these 
many years ago at Yahoo-groups. It is not too late to re-think this forum as a 
place for healthy discussions to occur. I hope for a better future here, -Buck 
in the Dome

fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 Rick, I am sorry, but a forum where anyone is allowed to suggest sexual 
violence AGAINST children, is not someplace I want to be. I am truly sorry 
things have degenerated to this point. I am local to the Yahoo corporation, and 
am considering a detailed notice to the Yahoo administrators, including screen 
names, of this current activity. 

 Barry makes one excuse after another, about using this foul, sexually 
perverted, and unbalanced voice, and is clearly not well. This is no longer a 
healthy environment for anyone to participate in.

 I am all for differing opinions on here, but you have allowed one individual's 
mental illness to co-opt what could be a fun place to hang out, and I guess I 
am one of the casualties. See ya!!


It is now time for meditation,

 Dear Rick, I feel really sorry for you that you are left with just this 
cesspool of negativity from the recent separation in the FFL membership. This 
is not what we had hoped for with the forum as we started FarifieldLife these 
many years ago at Yahoo-groups. It is not too late to re-think this forum as a 
place for healthy discussions to occur. I hope for a better future here, -Buck 
in the Dome

fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 Rick, I am sorry, but a forum where anyone is allowed to suggest sexual 
violence AGAINST children, is not someplace I want to be. I am truly sorry 
things have degenerated to this point. I am local to the Yahoo corporation, and 
am considering a detailed notice to the Yahoo administrators, including screen 
names, of this current activity. 

 Barry makes one excuse after another, about using this foul, sexually 
perverted, and unbalanced voice, and is clearly not well. This is no longer a 
healthy environment for anyone to participate in.

 I am all for differing opinions on here, but you have allowed one individual's 
mental illness to co-opt what could be a fun place to hang out, and I guess I 
am one of the casualties. See ya!!

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