And what happened to Tat Walla Baba? He was murdered. Looks like he could-a 
seen that one coming. 

      From: "" <>
 Sent: Monday, December 8, 2014 8:37 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Mahesh -greatest Guru the world has ever 
    at Wala Baba
 During the Teacher Training Course with Maharishi in the Academy of Meditation 
Shankaracharya Nagar in Rishikesh at the end of 1969, a course that included 
many of the greatest luminaries of the Movement, the course participants asked 
Maharishi if the famous recluse saint Tat Wala Baba could come to visit the 
course, as had happened in previous courses. Tat Wala Baba was living in a cave 
about three miles up in the hills behind our Academy. It was his custom to only 
come out once a day for one hour to let visitors enjoy his darshan. There was a 
lean-to just below his cave for this purpose.
 He was a very powerful man, very muscular like a wrestler, with matted hair 
that fell all the way to the ground. Maharishi said of him that he seemed to be 
in a good state of Unity Consciousness.
 Maharishi agreed to invite Tat Wala Baba to come to speak to the course, and 
sent Brahmachari Shankerlalji, a very elderly and blissful Brahmachari, who had 
been Maharishi's Guru Bhai when Maharishi was Guru Dev's Brahmachari, and who 
lived out all his final years in Maharishi's Academy of Meditation in Rishikesh 
(except for one time in 1970 when Maharishi sent him to Japan for a trip to see 
the Movement there). Maharishi also sent Bevan to accompany Shankerlalji to go 
to the cave and invite Tat Wala Babaji.
 They drove as far as the could into the forest down a narrow track, and then 
climbed the final section up the hill. They found Tat Wala Baba had just come 
out for his daily Darshan and was sitting listening to a Pandit who was 
chanting slokas from a big book that was open in front of him.
 Shankerlalji and Bevan respectfully greeted Tat Wala Babaji, and then 
Shankerlalji conveyed Maharishi's invitation to come to speak to the course. 
Tat Wala Babaji immediately stood up, saying to the Pandit and the others who 
had come to see him: "Maharishiji is calling I have to go," and put on his 
sandals and started walking down the hill.
 He came in the car through the forest to the Academy, pulling up outside the 
lecture hall where the course was meeting with Maharishi. The lecture hall was 
approached from the back down a ramp, and as Tat Wala Babaji entered the ramp 
the course participants could see him coming, and indicated to Maharishi that 
he had arrived. Maharishi came immediately from his seat, and as he turned the 
corner up the ramp, at the moment he first saw Tat Wala Babaji, Maharishi's 
face lit up like the sun from the joy.
 There followed a beautiful session of questions and answers with the course 
with Maharishi and Tat Wala Babaji sitting hand in hand — an experience that no 
one there will ever forget.
   * * *  
 On another occasion a visitor to the Academy went up to see Tat Wala Babaji. 
When he arrived, he found another visitor there, a businessman from Delhi, who 
asked where our meditator was coming from. He said he came from Maharishi. The 
businessman scoffed, saying he should study some Indian philosopher from Oxford 
instead. So our meditator said, "Why not ask Tat Wala Babaji his opinion of 
Maharishi," to which the businessman agreed.
 Tat Wala Babaji responded to the question, speaking very rapidly in Hindi, 
going on for about 15-20 minutes. As he continued, the businessman looked 
increasingly crestfallen. At the end our meditator asked, "What did Tat Wala 
Babaji say?" The businessman replied, "He said, 'Maharishi knows everything.'"
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