I agree with this. I think Jim should be removed from FFL for obsessively 
bringing up this point of his, distorting the original context, and because 
Barry is here under his real name, this is way over the line. This could 
reflect badly on his part time business contacts now that he is no longer 
working for IBM. Jim is being slanderous. I think Jim should be summarily 
dismissed from FFL.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 Jim's post is a serious breach of the FFL guidelines and provides a chilling 
precedent for online slander meant to cause harm to someone in their real life. 
I hope anyone who agrees will first delete the slanderous message in the post 
before commenting. 

This is way over the line. I almost commented when Jim used a heading with an 
inflammatory statement just as Nabbie did in his little FU to FFL when he left. 
I believe it was maliciously intended to get  the newsgroup in trouble with 
Yahoo. But this post is clearly meant to hurt Barry in his real life with a 
phrase taken out of context.

The original context of Barry's hyperbole was to show something so universally 
considered heinous, that no one would miss his point that people in a cult 
mindset can overlook what is WRONG. In context it refers to cultural norms and 
reinforces them concerning child welfare. The intended use was obvious.  For 
Jim to take it out of its context as if it revealed something else is a 
chilling use of misinterpretation to hurt someone's reputation online. Having 
been he victim of this myself here I understand how helpless you can feel when 
this is going on. I needed Rick's help and I got it, and I greatly appreciate 
that support for my free speech in safety here.

I also want to comment on this misuse of a serious topic for a personal 
vendetta online. It is the lowest form of a get someone at any cost mentality 
to use child welfare as a pawn in a gotchya game online. By trivializing it by 
using someone's statement out of context, we add to the static that obscures 
real harm. People become numb to the accusation when it is misused this way. 
And in that maliciously generated cacophony, we miss real harm done to real 
kids by real bad people. I am against Jim's misappropriation of this topic on 
these grounds also. To pretend his malicious misuse of what Barry wrote is in 
support of child welfare is the sickest kind of cynicism. Hiding behind this 
topic to do harm to someone else here is disgusting.

Finally, both Buck and Jim have demonstrated that all their faux objections to 
contentious exchanges here are just that. They are both addicted to conflict 
online and must leave their other forum to cause trouble here. While I find 
Bucks constant baiting and trolling obnoxious, it does not violate the 
reasonable terms of use here. Jim's post did. It makes this an unsafe place to 
post our opinions if people are allowed to make such real life damaging 
accusations based on nothing but their own bile and misrepresentation. 

 I hope this forum will be  safe place to post in 2015. 



            • [F... curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
          • Re: [Fa... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
            • Re... emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
              • ... emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
              • ... emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
              • ... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [FairfieldLife]... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
  • [FairfieldLife] Re: Safe... anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

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