salyavin, your writing is one reason I continue to lurk in the Funny Farm 
Lounge. Happy New Year (-:

      From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Saturday, January 3, 2015 1:42 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] An apology
    Dear fellow FFLers.
I feel I should apologise for recent comments of mine that I directed towards 
members of The Peak - apparently an ongoing conversation about our journey as 
human beings, towards the pinnacle of existence. 
As you know I usually try to keep a reasonable and cool head when dealing with 
others as I firmly believe we all deserve a fair hearing for our views, 
whatever they may be. In fact, I consider the best way to deal with people 
whose sole aim appears to be causing trouble is to reason with them and explain 
your POV and why they would gain more credibility if they engaged with their 
own POV rather than just by trolling and trying to goad people into endless 
arguments. The pen is mightier than the sword.
Well, needless to say I failed and told them to fuck off. Big mistake, and a 
mistake made out of total frustration with these righteous types who claim to 
have left our fine company to start a new site without any "negativity". I'm 
sure any serious contributors to this place will understand how irritating it 
is to have to scroll past endless drivel by these people who consider they are 
too good for us but can't leave us alone because they aren't allowed to cause 
trouble on their own enlightened site. I honestly thought we were all going to 
be happy in the new year with our own chosen company. Turns out I was wrong...
So I apologise for all the crap posts you are going to have to endure until 
these people get bored with trying to goad me into a fight - just like they 
always do, I guess some people just need to boost their ego at the expense of 
others. And now we all know WillyTex has been booted off for being an asshole, 
I suspect some of them will be trying to fill his mighty shoes with their own 
brand of horse shit. Go figure.
So one last time dear FFLers, I'm sorry I fed the trolls. But you know it was 
out of pure anger that they came back here and started digging up shit that was 
patiently explained to them ages ago and that any actually intelligent, 
reasoning human being wouldn't even have noticed in the first place. I should 
know better and I promise to ignore them in future.

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