1. On the View

Samantabhadra and Sattvavajra continue 'their' discourse:

Samantabhadra: "The teachers of the three dimensions, my emanations,  
methods of conceptual meditation to those involved in conceptual

[The sravakas] teach meditation on the calm [transcendent] state,  
[the pratyekabuddhas,] that
on the deep state. (samatha [TM-style med.] and vipasyana,  

[The Bodhisattvas] teach meditation on the absence of identity that  
the union of calm state and deep vision.

[Followers of kriya], having as their basis the concept of purity,  
[themselves and the deity as] servant and lord.

[Followers of ubhaya], having as their basis the separation of view and
conduct, abide in meditation in order to achieve union.

[Followers of yoga], on the basis of the state that transcends  
abide in meditation endowed with characteristics.

[Followers of Mahayoga], having as their basis the purity of their  
own mind,
abide in radiation and re-absorbtion of the three [contemplations].

[Followers of anuyoga], mainly having as their basis the purity of  
cause and
effect, abide in contemplation of light. All these are conceptual  
and do not represent my teaching.

This is my teaching. All is contemplation of the purity of the  
unborn, whether
or not one meditates. All the phenomena of existence are the "object" of
meditation without being conditioned by a particular method. Leaving  
freely as they are is meditation!

Listen! As these secret instructions on "non-meditation" refer to the  
meaning that transcends words and definitions, in reality the Kunjed  
Gyalpos of
the past have never taught anything, the Kunjed Gyalpos of the future  
will never
teach anything, and the same applies to the Kunjed Gyalpos of the  

Listen! The supreme source, teacher of teachers, transmits the  
meaning precisely. Speaking of meditating or not meditating in regard  
to the
fundamental meaning that transcends all affirmations and negations is  
fighting against the air!

The state in which there is no distraction from knowledge cannot be  
defined as
either "concrete" or "not concrete." As it [this] transcends all  
limits and the
very concept of "beyond limits," it cannot be confined within the  
[any] limited
definition of "meditating" or "not meditating."

Listen! Just as for me, the teacher of teachers, the supreme source,  
it is
impossible to use definitions of "meditating" or "not meditating," so  
you too,
Sattvavajra, and you practitioners abiding in the true meaning, try  
to be in
this state!

Listen! The supreme source, the teacher of the three times, has never  
the state of pure and total consciousness, saying, "It is thus!" It  
is not
doing so now, and never will do so!

When one understands that there is no view on which to meditate,  
between "meditation and non-meditation becomes a deviation.

When one realizes the supreme unborn state, there is no longer even  
the concept
of erring and not erring.

^^[71. The chapter on the inseparability of view and state of  
2. On Commitment ("The Supreme Source", pgs. 219-220)

As long as they remain on the path of conceptual characteristics, the
teachers of the three dimensions, my emanations, distinguish between
"keeping" and "not keeping" [the commitment], and in consequence
they teach that it is necessary to observe the main and secondary rules.
     Listen! From the beginning I, the supreme source, am the natural
condition, and as this nature transcends the dualism of subject and
object, whoever understands all phenomena in this manner does not
even form the idea of keeping or not keeping.

     Listen! I am the source, unaltered pure and total consciousness, I
do not depend on antidotes and do not give birth to the consideration
of an object.  The commitment of the self-arising and self-perfected
state of pure presence cannot be breached or damaged.  Thus, it is not
something one has to guard intentionally.
     Only authentic pure presence, unaltered by conceptual ideas, gives
access to the fundamental meaning.  As in the unborn state of
consciousness dharmakaya has only one taste, I transcend the limit
of "entering" or "not entering" it.
     Listen! Sattvavajra, experience the true state!  Unless the  
secret state
of pure presence, the fundamental essence, arises, then even an expert
in words and definitions will not meet my teaching.
     From the beginning, this supreme state, in which there is no  
to keep, pervades everything without needing to be guarded: unless  
one gains
experience, any other way of keeping [the commitment] becomes an  
incurable disease!
     Listen! This is the commitment of my state: through undistracted  
without needing to make any alteration, all material phenomena  
manifest naturally
as wisdom.  When one masters pure presence, the limit of keeping or  
not keeping
is transcended.
     When all phenomena of existence are mastered through clarity as the
self-arising essence, one is beyond the concepts of knowledge and  
regarding the total manifestation of the supreme source! [...]
     I am the supreme source, pure and total consciousness, and as I  
transcend all
assertions and negations, I do not think of anything and do not  
meditate on anything!
     I do not correct body, voice, or mind: I let them relax.  I do  
not discern planets,
constellations, propitious dates and times.  I do not visualize  
anything, nor do I use mudras
or mantras.  The source, which is pure and total consciousness, does  
not know the
boundary between keeping and not keeping [the commitment]!
^^[72.  The chapter that demonstrates that one cannot deviate from  
view and meditation,
^^ 230.7-232.2; 232.4-232.6]
3.  On the Capacity for Spiritual Action ("The Supreme Source", pgs.  
     I am the supreme source, and as my state transcends  
objectification by thought,
it cannot at all become something on which to meditate.
     Listen!  Consciousness is the essence of the authentic  
condition, and I have never
corrected this condition.  Being self-arising, I have neither causes  
nor conditions,
so leave body, voice, and mind in the relaxed state, without  
striving!  Followers
of methods tied to effort do not meet me, the source.
Listen!  As my capacity for spiritual action knows no doing, I do not  
get involved
in the effort of activities.  Having no aim, I do not give birth to  
the consideration of "meditating."
     As this state is beyond uion and separation, maintain its  
presence without forgetfulness!
When thoughts manifest as the unborn, without doing anything one  
accomplishes all the actions.
     Listen! I am the teacher, the supreme source, and even though I  
have created all the spiritual
actions of the buddhas, the truth is, self-arising wisdom being  
perfect without the need to act,
the natural condition has never acted.  Remain in the unaltered  
natural condition!
     When mind and mental events arise in this unaltered natural  
condition, that is the state of the
enlightened ones; if one has the capacity to remain in the unborn,  
all ideas tied to action and
effort can be overcome.
     Sattvavajra, experience the natural condition!  Naturally and  
undistractedly maintaining the
view that liberates thoughts in their very condition, one overcomes  
action and effort.  In this way
all that arises liberates itself in itself.
     Sattvavajra, experience the natural condition!  Do not correct  
the body, do not control the
senses, do not curb the voice: there is no action whatsoever to do.   
Wherever mind turns, leave
it in the unperturbed state!
     Experiencing this spiritual capacity which transcends action,
even without acting at all one achieves all goals.
     Listen!  In his total bliss of the natural state which  
transcends effort, do not engage body, voice,
or mind, do not correct them nor direct them towards a goal.
     Do not get stuck in any idea, leave aside all concepts:  remain  
in the bliss of self-arising wisdom.
Precisely this is the state of self-arising clear light, the capacity  
for spiritual action of the
state of the supreme source.
     Sattvavajra, experience the natural condition!  In order to  
accede to the unaltered natural state,
there is no need of logic nor antidotes to correct anything.  Remain  
in knowledge without altering anything!
     Listen!  This natural activity which transcends actions is not  
accomplished through effort of
body, voice, or mind.  When one is in this state of the supreme  
source, its capacity for spiritual
action manifests already self-perfected!
^^[73.  The chapter that demonstrates how to abide in the condition  
"as it is" without acting
^^ and seeking, 233.1-234.7]

4. On the Mandala
Sattvavajra, experience the natural condition!  I, teacher of teachers,
the supreme source, teach that the essence cannot be created: this means
that the natural condition transcends the distinction between central
[deity] and secondary [deities of the mandala].
     Listen!  When one clearly masters the supreme state of pure pre-
sence, the supreme wisdom of understanding enables the obtainment
of the essence that transcends all effort.  Precisely this is the  
of the supreme source.
     Listen!  Here is how the supreme source, teacher of teachers,  
the essence in the mandala of the Body:  all visible phenomena abide in
the unborn ultimate dimension.  As the essence is beyond accepting and
rejecting, [the mandala of the Body] manifests from me, the source.
     Listen!  Here is how the supreme source, teacher of teachers, mani-
fests the essence in the mandala of the Voice:  all audible phenomena
abide in the Voice that issues from the unborn ultimate dimension
and actually are the essence of the Voice that transcends explanation.
Thus [the mandala of the Voice,] too, manifests from me, the source.
     Listen!  Here is how the supreme source, teacher of teachers, mani-
fests the essence in the mandala of pure presence:  all thoughts and
concepts are recognized as the unborn supreme source itself.
     The Body, Voice, and Mind of the supreme source are the three
mandalas of the unaltered natural condition.  Understanding that they
are instantaneously perfected without needing to be created, one ac-
cedes to the fundamental meaning of self-perfection.
     Sattvavajra, experience!  If you remain in this supreme mandala of
the self-arising essence, maintaining the natural condition and relax-
ing body, voice, and mind, you will be in my state!
     The Kunjed Gyalpos of the past accomplished their aims remain-
ing in the natural condition; the same applies to the present Kunjed
Gyalpos and to those to come in the future.
[74.  The chapter that demonstrates how to abide in the fundamental  
ing, 235.2-236.5]
5. On Initiation
Sattvavajra, experience the natural condition!  When one clearly mas-
ters the supreme state of pure presence, one no longer depends on
initiation into a sensation of bliss tied to conceptual characteristics.
When understanding arises, one remains naturally in the non-con-
ceptual state.
     Listen!  In the pure presence that arises after having received  
the em-
powerment of the supreme source, material phenomena manifest
continuously as the unaltered natural state.  This is the supreme  
path to
nirvana that does not depend on causes and circumstances.
     Listen!  This state of the [supreme] source in which pure presence
holds sway cannot be expressed in words and transcends objectifica-
tion by the mind; it appeases all thoughts and cannot be conceptual-
ized; it is all-pervading like the sky and cannot be confined within a
limited space.
     Sattvavajra, experience the natural condition!  When one transcends
[the duality of] meditating and non-meditating, there is no longer ei-
ther the wish to enter the state of meditation nor worry about leaving
it, so one must not have the idea of "entering" the state of equality or
of meditating on it.  Without needing to receive an initiation or to ob-
tain a siddhi, without altering anything, one abides in the state of the
supreme source.
     Listen!  I am the teacher supreme source, the self-arising essence
that is not something on which to meditate:  the clarity of wisdom can-
not be achieved by effort.
[75. The chapter on the power of pure instantaneous presence,  

6.  On the Path
Sattvavajra, listen!  Now, without distraction, experience understand-
ing of the single shpere of your unborn mind!
     Similar to the sky, the path of the fundamental essence of the non-
conceptual state is all-pervading.  Thus there exists nothing other than
the unborn that is not already meditation.
     As it transcends objectification by analysis, this essence  
cannot be
the target of concepts.  As it is not the goal of a process, this  
that transcends conceptual characteristics cannot be reached by fol-
lowing a gradual path.  Remaining in the bliss of the non-conceptual
state, without following a gradual path or training to attain the vari-
ous levels, one realizes self-perfection.
     Listen!  This path of the supreme source remains ever the same in
the ultimate dimension of existence:  thus it is not something that  
to be trodden.
     When one is always together with the fundamental essence, there
cannot any longer be distraction.  As everything is already unified in
the single sphere, there is no place to reach.
     Sattvavajra, experience this reality!  Unless you experience the  
of "non-meditation" then even meditating for hundreds of kalpas on
the basis of conceptual characteristics, you will not understand my  
     The state of the supreme source transcends all the  
characteristics of
the object of thoughts:  to find oneself in what is not subject to  
there is no need to perform any action.
     Sattvavajra, experience well the true state!  I, the teacher,  
source, have guided all the Buddhas of the three times, so now you
too follow my path well!  The Buddhas of the past have followed the
unborn path, as will the Buddhas of the future, and it is precisely in
the unborn that the Buddhas of the present abide.  Thus the supreme
source is the universal path!
     LISTEN!  From the first moment, practitioners who enter this path
and meditate [according to it] find themselves on the level of the En-
lightened Ones without their thoughts getting attached to the state of
knowledge and without upholding a limited position.  The fundamen-
tal path is beyond [the concept of] "entering" and "not entering" on a
     LISTEN!  The moment they receive transmission of knowledge of the
supreme source, practitioners who have the capacity to accede instan-
taneously to the natural state are able to maintain the presence of
movement of thoughts and to become familiar with it.  Aside from this
there is nothing to meditate on nor a state to enter:  teach thus!
Listen!  I am the teacher, the source, pure and total consciousness:
all created phenomena issue from pure and total consciousness and
are precisely the path leading to the unborn nature of mind.  But the
path to the happiness of the unborn is not something that can be "en-
tered."  By becoming familiar with it, the fortunate Bodhisattvas who
know this path understand the fundamental essence beyond treading
a path and beyond a quest such that they no longer have any doubts
about the state of the supreme source.
[76.  The chapter on how to abide on the path of the fundamental  
239.3-240.1; 240.2-241.2]

7.  On the Levels of Realization
LISTEN!  Even if the teachers of the three dimensions speak of diverse
levels of realization, the level of the supreme source has no  
stages.  On
the other hand, what they teach their disciples is precisely the differ-
ence between one stage of realization and another.
     LISTEN! [and look!]  The supreme source, teacher of teachers,  
teaches this:
here is neither any hinderance nor any difference of any level - for  
those who under-
stand this essence and this method of this unborn nature of equality.  
     My ['Our'/This/Such] nature is not something limited by the  
three times that can
be entered and exited, neither can [this] become [any] object of  
thought. This
cannot be subjected to any partial viewpoint nor sought as an object  
specific characteristics.  This is the true state of the supreme source!
     Listen!  My state cannot be found through indications by words or
scriptures, nor can it be established through logical justifications or
definitions.  Never having been born, [such] cannot cease.  [This]  
can neither be
increased nor diminished.  [Such] is not endowed with conceptual charac-
teristics, but not even this refutation can define it.
     Listen!  As I, the supreme source, teacher of teachers, empower  
all the
phenomena of existence in the nature of the unborn, when one achieves
understanding, everything becomes integrated in this state.
     The fundamental essence of non-meditation is maintaining
undistracted presence:  this is the secret instruction!  This supreme
source, pure and total consciousness, does not derive from explana-
tions and verses [of the scriptures], nor does it depend on having or
not having meditated.  [Such] true essence transcends all mantras and
     Listen!  Those who follow the level I teach will free themselves of
accepting and rejecting.  Being in the all-pervading state free of  
tions, they will overcome the limit of "big and small."  Abiding in the
true dimension of phenomena, they will transcend the dualism of
understanding and not understanding.  So, Sattvavajra, remain per-
fectly at this instantaneous level!
[77.  The chapter that demonstrates that the true meaning is beyond any
progress, 241.6-242.5; 242.6-243.2]
8. On Conduct
Listen!  I, the supreme source, teacher of teachers, display only the
unborn nature of pure and total consciousness and do not teach that
in order to attain the unaltered authentic state one needs to enter the
dulism of accepting and rejecting.
     The unborn nature transcends affirmations and refutations, while
accepting and rejecting ineluctably imply affirming and refuting.  Who-
ever enters the fundametal meaning realizes the state beyond affirm-
ing and refuting.  On transcending all thoughts, one understands the
true nature beyond accepting and rejecting.
     Sattvavajra, experience the fundamental nature!  I am the authentic
fundamental nature, and judgements tied to accepting and rejecting
cannot alter me:  one acquires familiarity with my state through natu-
rally existing supreme bliss.  On understanding the supreme source,
all returns to abide in the essence.
     Thus, this essence is not something to accept or reject, neither  
is it
an entity subject to birth and cessation, nor can it be defined as good
or bad, pure or impure.  Therefore it is said to transcend  
by analysis or reasoning.
     Sattvavajra, experience now!  Meditating and the object of medita-
tion are both the unaltered nature of puire and total consciousness,
beyond the consideration of meditating or not meditating.
     Listen!  I, the supreme source, pure and total consciousness, do  
teach my disciples accepting and rejecting.  I do not teach dividing
that which is one.  I do not teach reasoning and analyzing in order to
transcend analysis and reasoning.  I do not teach correcting something
in order to attain the unaltered condition.  I teach that remaining  
rally in the very condition of everything one does and perceives, with-
out thinking of anything, is the way to self-liberate!
     Sattvavajra, experience now!  As the natural condition of  
ment, beyond accepting and rejecting, is like the sky, the body and
mind should not be altered.  As [in this state] there is no attachment
caused by mental judgement, there is nothing on which to meditate.
     Like the sky, this state is utterly serene, beyond all  
impurities.  [Abid-
ing in it] one does not enter into the idea of an object, nor does one
make knowledge one's object.
     Sattvavajra, experience well now!  Do not let yourself get  
caught up
in judging sense objects, yet at the same time do not retain the mind
within:  without using antedotes, without purifying the body and mind,
understand that the unaltered condition of body and mind is the fun-
damental essence itself!
     Listen!  Remaining effortlessly relaxed in the behavior of the  
source, all aims are realized.  As all is unified [as] this essence,  
there is
nothing any more to accept or reject.  As there is no hope or fear, the
state beyond suffering is no longer the goal of meditation.
     Whoever understands my behavior completely transcends any defi-
nition of "entering" or "not entering" the unborn state of equality of
the three times.  This is the meaning of "nothing to accept or reject."
[78.  The chapter that demonstrates that in equality there is neither  
tance nor rejection, 243.4-245.4]

9. On Wisdom
The supreme source, teacher of teachers, teaches that the unhindered
essence is the true state of knowledge.  All the phenomena of existence
are one single thing in the ultimate unborn dimension.  Thus, in the
state of Mind, the unborn essence, there is no distinction between be-
ing or not being hindered.
     Sattvavajra, now experience well!  As all is one single thing in  
ultimate unborn dimension, those who wish to relinquish hinderances
and to accept the unhindered state do not concurr with the true mean-
ing.  According to the teaching of the supreme source, pure and total
consciousness, by experiencing the unborn, all the phenomena that
are continuously "being born" manifest as the essence.  Whoever abides
in the state that, like the sky, transcends analysis and judgement
understands that hindering and not hindering both abide in pure and
total consciousness.
     Listen!  The aim of this teaching that the supreme source transmits
to disciples is to clarify the meaning of wisdom that cannot be hin-
dered:  in fact, it abides in the self-arising essence that does not de-
pend on causes or conditions.  It is the state of knowledge that, once
understood, brings one beyond affirming and refuting.
     So, Sattvavajra, experience now!  Self-arising wisdom is beyond all
objects of the mind:  do not make "understanding" become an object
on which to fix.  As it transcends any object, it does not in any way
curb ordinary mental consciousness.  As all material phenomena mani-
fest as the essence, it does not meditate at all.  As forms manifest  
as the
essence, it has no room at all for the dualism of hope and fear.
     Listen!  The teacher of teachers, the supreme source, teaches  
his dis-
ciples the unaltered state, enabling t

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