四月は君の嘘  (literally: "April is your lie") is a Japanese comic with 9 volumes 
thus far, that has been turned into an anime. The story is about Kousei Arima, 
most famous of all Japan's musical prodigies, whose death of his mother when he 
was 11 years old, led to a psychotic break during a piano recital where he 
could no longer hear himself play. Three years later, Kousei's friends trick 
him into attending a performance by another prodigy his own age, Kaori 
Miyazono. Kousei's strict adherence to the score led to his nickname, "the 
human metronome," and Kaori's decision to turn a competition recital of 
Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata into an improvisational piece, leads to judges 
tearing up her scorecard, the audience giving her a standing ovation, and 
Kousei's instant--albeit dumbfounded--infatuation, even though his official 
role was to be "Friend A" (an actual literary term in Japanese teen-oriented 
drama) during a double-date.


 Kaori's mercurial personality and dedication to music combine to gradually 
force Kousei to confront  his own demons that prevent him from hearing his own 
music, and lead him back towards the concert stage.

 The comic version started only 2 years ago, and has already received one major 
literary award in the genre and a nomination for another. The anime adaptation 
is only 3 months old, and is already one of my all-time favorites, even though 
the story is such that it could logically end at any moment.

 The very name of the story and the sub-text concerning Kaori's health implies 
that the story will be short-lived, but who knows?


 Anyone who has ever been through the biting-your-hands-til-they-bleed, 
head-pounding, hand-cramping, practice-until-you-collapse from exhaustion 
and/or lack-of-food, OCD behavior mandated to become a professional classical 
musician, can appreciate the nuanced story being told.

 If ever there can be a worthy short introduction to the more refined aspects 
of anime and japanese graphic story-telling, this is it.














  • [FairfieldLife] Anime re... lengli...@cox.net [FairfieldLife]

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