Definition of the word "cynic": 

 "Cynic: a person who has negative opinions about other people and about the 
things people do; especially : a person who believes that people are selfish 
and are only interested in helping themselves." - Merriam Webster

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 I think the word "cynic" is often used inappropriately as an insult to mean 
"Someone I don't like because they have higher standards than I do." 

 From: "s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 5:31 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Women more gullible than men - offical
   Re "Cynicism at its best is part of being young. ":


 That's often true. For myself though I was never a cynic. 

 “Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist.”

 I was always too much a pessimist to be an idealist in the first place! So I 
had nothing to react against to make me a cynic.

 Actually, to be more precise: I was indeed quite the idealist when young but I 
looked for my ideals in the ideal world - poetry, novels and art - and never 
expected to find ideals realized in the everyday world. 




---In, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :



---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :


---In, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

 Looking at suicide by gender in the U.S. over the last about 10 years, men 
commit suicide at about three times the rate of women.  Having had children, 
the miracle of birth and life and child, goes a little deeper than "more 
emotionally committed" to a "belief." For mothers, I think having children does 
play a part in excusing suicide as an option, no matter what happens.   

 Yes, your choice of the word "miracle" is spot on. I think we agree with each 
other. If life is miraculous then suicide, cynicism or reductionism seem like a 

 E: Yes, certainly suicide seems such.  Cynicism at its best is part of being 
young. Giving it up however can change one's perceptions of life and priorities 
markedly. "Reductionism" has its place - smile.  And what does the thesaurus 
say are the antonym's to "betrayal?"

 "Devotion, faithfulness, fidelity, frankness, honesty, loyalty, openness, 
truthfulness, forthrightness, protection, quiet, secret, support."  All 
excellent qualities.  

 (I wouldn't say that women are less logical or more gullible - because they 
are women.  I'd say the opposite is true).  

 Not sure what you mean here. 

 E:  I was expanding the definitions of both words to account for more than 
their stereotypical meaning, thus allowing for the "opposite to be true."

 I suspect that women are both more suspicious of know-it-all systematic 
thinking and more open to subtle influences from the psyche. It's not a case of 
men or women being superior to the other gender but of a complementary approach 
to human experience.

---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 I've sometimes mulled over the idea that as women are the sex who actually 
give birth they are necessarily more emotionally committed to the belief that 
life *must* be a good thing despite its obvious downsides. (If life is more 
trouble than it's worth and women are the ones responsible for transmitting 
life doesn't that make women guilty in some sense?) I wonder if part of the 
reason for women being attracted to the idea of an afterlife is precisely 
because it helps them insist on a more optimistic, positive view of our 

 Also, in occult and spiritualist-inclined groups women have long been 
considered the more psychic or sensitive sex. Even advanced male adepts in 
esoteric circles have relied on women to play the role of medium or scryer. Is 
that because women are more touchy-feely, less logical - even more gullible 
than men?

 Or is it that women are more open to hints and intuitions that men 
automatically censor out?


---In, <> wrote :



 Women more likely to believe in God and the afterlife
 Women more likely to believe in God and the afterlife
 Two-thirds have faith compared to fewer than half of men. Sixty per cent of 
women believe in the afterlife but only 35 per cent of men, researchers with 
the UCL Ins...

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