---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :


 According to Tom Campbell, all of us can have an immediate access to the 
cosmic data bank or the akashic records to find out about our past lives and to 
perform remote viewing through our human consciousness.  As such, we can assume 
that communication with ETs within the galaxy and beyond can be done 
instantaneously through the cosmic data bank.

 Is Tom Campbell even remotely trouble that nobody actually CAN access this 
mythical cosmic data bank?

 Doesn't that teeny inconvenient fact speak volumes about the veracity of his 


 If we consider consciousness as a form of data bits that pervade the entire 
universe, then the communication must be faster than light since we are already 
connected with everything through consciousness in the universe which acts and 
behave like a virtual reality.

 Even if consciousness - or anything - consisted of data bits that pervaded the 
universe any information passed would happen no faster than the speed of light. 
Information is classed as when you can tell one bit of the universe from 
another distinctly, a defining feature of the quantum foam is that you can't. 
He probably got this idea from experiments that allegedly show that pairs of 
quantum particles separated from each other can both be altered instantaneously 
no matter how far apart they are by simply altering one of them. There are many 
possible explanations for this even assuming the results were correct to start 
with. There is no possibility of them working with anything approaching 
information unless he thinks we are some sort of cosmic quantum computer that 
can encode thoughts using the fundamental level of nature. If it was true we 
could already do it.

 But we can't. Or I can't and I don't know of anyone else who can, and the 
theory is stupid anyway, who says that quantum bits are consciousness? The only 
time you hear it is from amiable flakes on the new age lecture circuit or 
cynical money grubbers like John Hagelin as they try and fleece the 
pre-brainwashed flocks of Marshy and Chopra. 

 Why does this meme persist? Obviously it's a hang over from the early days of 
QP when they had something they couldn't explain and left the door vaguely open 
for all sorts of nonsense to creep in. It's the equivalent of religion for our 
computer age I think, wild promises of life after death and magical powers and 
it's based in the way of ooking at the world we learned at school. It's 
science! Perfect!

 The trouble is there is more to science than just coming up with wild ideas 
about what might be possible. You also have to demonstrate that it is possible.

 Have a read of this:



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 Seeing the wide diversity of strange life forms just on Earth, why would we 
assume that an intelligent alien species, if it exists, would be 'humanoid?' 
Just based on the evidence we have, it would seem unlikely it would resemble 
us, except in the matter of intelligence required to figure out communication 
technology. In general relativity theory, light and gravity waves travel at the 
speed of light. Telepathy has never been scientifically demonstrated in any 
reliable way, and therefore were such a thing to exist, we do not know what 
speed it might travel. The nature of consciousness as a measurable, defined 
entity is also unknown as a constituent of everything. All we know is it is 
present when we have experiences, because its definition is tied to experience. 
It is the common value of all experience, but whether consciousness is a common 
value of objects when they are not experienced, is unknown. 

 So far in our knowledge of the universe, there seem to be extraordinary 
barriers to both travel and communication over long distances. At the speed of 
light it takes about 8 minutes for NASA to communicate with its rovers on Mars. 
When we look into the night sky, looking at starts and galaxies, we are looking 
years, tens of years, hundreds of years, thousands of years, millions and 
billions of years into the past. We see nothing as it is now, only what we 
experience now which happened long ago.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 There's the possibility that there are other humanoids within the Milky Way.  
However, they may not have the capability to transmit their greetings to us or 
the rest of the galaxy. 

 Or, they may be transmitting through other mediums besides radio waves to 
communicate--such as through telepathy.  If the universe is based on 
consciousness, then it is possible for sentient beings to communicate through 
consciousness instantaneously throughout the entire universe.

 Hmm, I'm a sentient being and I cannot communicate instantaneously with anyone 
- let alone across the universe - and I have never received telepathic 
communication either from my fellow humans or from aliens. And to the best of 
my knowledge neither has anybody else.

 From this we can conclude a few things. Either we humans cannot send or 
receive intergalactic telepathic messages for some reason, or there is no one 
sending them.

 The third option - and the one I will put money on - is that telepathy is 
impossible anyway and we therefore cannot use it as evidence either for or 
against alien life.


 Consciousness can be considered as the data bits that create the virtual 
reality that we live in, and that enable conscious beings to access the entire 
cosmic data bank--the unified field in TMO speak.  These are not my ideas, but 
are from Tom Campbell, an author of a book that attempts to unify the ideas of 
philosophy and science, particularly physics.

 I've watched a few of his physics clips on youtube and he has a solid grasp of 
the subject - as you would hope given his background - the trouble is he goes 
leaping off into unfounded fantasies and wild extrapolations without offering 
any evidence other than that he thinks it's possible, and then only according 
to the way he interprets things.

 As I outline above there is a serious problem with the idea of transgalactic 
telepathy. He is also a standard bearer for remote viewing which is another 
mysterious claim that has no convincing evidence. Both things would be easy to 
prove so why doesn't he? Theorise then test. That's the way it works.

 I suppose you could say that channellers are receiving instantaneous messages 
from aliens but they lack all credibility. It all boils down to their being no 
action at a distance, if there was a way round it we would be able to exploit 
it here and wouldn't need to wait for aliens to talk to us. Do you agree?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


 Another theory about the Fermi paradox; if we aren't alone in the universe 
where the hell is everybody?

 Do carbon dioxide-creating processes always destroy the biosphere they occur 




 If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Get Out of the Universe | NCSE 

 If You Can’t Stand the Heat, Get Out of the Universe | N... 
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Climate Disaster Inevitable?” This piece posed an intriguing answer to this 

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